User talk:Blade 92

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I am writing a book called Twilight if you want to know more about it then write under the comments section of this page don't erase anything.

I am partners with Wovelscotch and Wolvelscotch.

For those of you that think I am not professional then you are wrong I am as professional as my two partners.

For those of you that are wondering why my user name is Blade 92 I named it after my dog and since Blade is already taken I added 92 my birth year.

For a while I have had a facination with oxymorons and things that are redundant so feel free to add some under those sections for me


[edit] Comments

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[edit] My book Twilight

News on my book is on the way.

If you have kept up with my book thanks here, is my prolouge so far:

“Look at what you did he ran away because of you!” screamed Maria at the top of her lungs

towards her husband.

She ran out of the house with her bow and a quiver of arrows to go look for her son

Blade, he was a skinny boy with black hair. He had put up with his parents arguing for way to

long and he was tired of it. He took his favorite stick with him he took it everywhere ever

since he found it long ago. Blade thought about running away thousands of times like this but

he never really did. This time was different. Blade thought if he had run away that his parents

would come closer together but he doesn’t know how wrong he was.

“BLADE! Where are you your father and I have stopped fighting! You can come home now!”

“Mom he isn’t coming back and it’s starting to rain.”

“Stryker don’t say things like that about your brother.”

“But he really isn’t coming back, and neither are you.”

At that moment Maria turned around to look at her son but his eyes turned jet black. He raised

a hand and a yellow spark came out of it the lightning bolt chased Maria she ran off into the distance. Then Stryker did the most horrible thing any one could do at

that point he threw a fireball after his mother then laughed hysterically he had no care in the

world. Maria ran threw the forest and put an arrow to her bow and shot strait through the

lightning bolt. She kept running. She heard the most horrible noise, the arrow hitting a tree

and all that was left was a pile of black ash. The fireball was still chasing her but she

couldn’t out run it so she did the only thing she could. Shoot an arrow right through it. Her

arrow never touched the bowstring. She was down before she could get the arrow out of the

quiver. All that could be heard through the forest was Stryker’s hysterical laugh, a long sharp

scream of pain and the soft pitter-patter of the pouring rain.

If you like it leave your user name in the comments section (if you have one)

[edit] Friends/ Partners

Wovelscotch and Wolvelscotch

[edit] Oxymorons

[edit] Things that are Redundant