User:Black Butterfly

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Black: "Black frequently symbolizes ambiguity, secrecy, and the unknown."..."Black is also used for anarchist symbolism [...] The plain black flag is explained as the opposite of a white flag signalling surrender"

Butterfly: "The idea is that small variations in the initial conditions of a dynamical system produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system [...] The idea is now often stated something to the effect of, 'a butterfly flapping its wings in Tokyo could cause tornadoes in California.'"

I can be found at

Some information:

  • I draw from the anarchist tradition
  • I also draw from the Christian tradition, specifically that of James
  • I am interested in politics, specifically leftist, direct action and social movements, and also more general fringe politics of various forms.
  • I am from England
  • I study computer science and have a general interest in technology
  • I am interested in alternative religious and spiritual movements

In spite of holding strong views I do my best to keep them out of the wikipedia pages I edit. This information is provided here to (hopefully) dissuade people from accusing me of having a "hidden agenda".