Blanket bog

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A Blanket bog is a type of bog found mainly in the midlands of the Republic of Ireland. They are used mainly by Bord na Mona Group for cultivation in order to provide electricity to many counties.

Blanket bogs are the most common bog found in Ireland next to raised bogs. They are found mainly on high or hilly land, contrary to popular belief, for many people think raised bogs are found on high land as the name would suggest.

They are now beginning to be used more frequently because raised bogs are almost extinct. Bord na Mona Group is hoping to preserve raised bogs for its fossil fuels, but raised bogs will soon be worn out.

Blanket bogs are also preserved by government organisations as they contain many one-of-a-kind wildlife features. One such protected area is Airds Moss.

[edit] See also

String bog