Blackmail (Monty Python)

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Monty Python Sketch

Episode: Live from the Grill-o-mat (October 27, 1970)
Actors: Michael Palin

The Blackmail show is a Monty Python sketch that first aired on episode 18, Live from the Grill-o-mat, of Monty Python's Flying Circus. It has also appeared in the film And Now For Something Completely Different.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In it, Michael Palin plays a smarmy television game show host who extorts money from his viewers by threatening to reveal embarrassing or illegal facts about them. Several photos (or parts thereof) are shown, threatening to reveal more if not paid promptly. One game is "Stop the film," where a scandalous film is played until a phonecall is received, and the amount of money needed increases the longer the subject waits. The music which accompanies the film is "Swing-a-Day" by Johnny Hawksworth.

[edit] See also