Black metal fashion

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Shinichi of Sigh on the cover of Scorn Defeat
Shinichi of Sigh on the cover of Scorn Defeat

Black metal fashion refers to the style of dress preferred by some performers and listeners of black metal music.

Clothing is generally black shirts and black pants (either tight black jeans or leather pants) accessorized with silver jewelry, including pentagrams, Thor's hammers, inverted crosses, and bullet belts. There tends to be also a focus on spikes or studs on leather, often worn on the wrists. Males affect a rugged, long-haired look, while females attempt to look both attractive and dangerous.

Many bands take this to an extreme level in their band photos and stage costumes. Gauntlets, axes and swords as accessories, leather pants and long untamed hair, as well as the quintessential corpsepaint.

Though often mistaken for gothic fashion, it must be pointed out that while the two may have a few similarities, each is its own distinct style.

[edit] See also