Black Crucifixion

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Black Crucifixion is an extreme metal band from Rovaniemi, Finland.

They were active in the global underground metal scene from 1991 to 1993 releasing two mini-albums "The Fallen One of Flames" and "Promethean Gift".

Those releases are considered to have cult value among metal fans who were around at the time. "The Fallen One of Flames"has also been released again numerous times. Some of the editions are "remastered", which explains the differences in the sound quality, which even at its best is very loyal to the clumsy esthetics of the first wave of black metal.

These releases were pioneering work in the black metal scene. But according to statements they made in the metal press, the band got disillusioned with rise of the commercial black metal boom and started to write material with more "variance and artistic ambition".

The band started to record called "Faustian Dream" in 1996 but it was not completed until 2006 when it was released by Paragon records (in USA) and Soulseller records (Europe). The album shows a very different but all the more developed metal band. In a recent interview the band called their music "dark metal, even though who gives a sh*t about the categories."

The band is not very well known even among the underground enthusiasists and seem to be very happy to remain unknown as they don't much about them selfes. However it is a certified fact that some ex-members of the group have also been members of bands Beherit, Parade of Souls and Promethean. There is some speculation available online about the real names of the current band members, but so far they seem to be untrue. Most of the names are real names of people involved in the past metal scene up in Finland, but according to Finnish sources they are not correct. This is easy to believe as the names mentioned in connection with the aliases seem to differ from each other in different forums.

The cover booklet of the "Faustian Dream" cd's USA pressing states the following about the line up: "E.Henrik: Instruments, Forn: Voice and instruments, Lehtar: Drums". According to their interview the "Faustian Dream" album took ten years to record and mix. This must be a world record in the record industry.

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