Black Bag Operation

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Industrial espionage
Agent Handling
Black Bag Operations
Nonofficial cover (NOC)
False flag operations
Dead drop
Concealment device
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In Black Bag Operations, FBI agents illegally entered offices of targeted individuals and/or organizations, and photographed information found in their records. This practice was used by the FBI from 1942 until 1967. Director Hoover in July 1966 ordered the practice discontinued, and he again restated his position in January 1967. The use of "black bag jobs" by the FBI was declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court on 19 June 1972 in the Plamondon case, 407 U.S. 297.

"Black Bag" Operations are often confused for "Nab and Grab" operations. During a "nab and grab" operation, intelligence agents work in coordination with one another, going after a single target together. An agent working as a lure, entices a target out into the open, in order for cooperating agents to tail the target. The lure meets with the target in a specified location, such as a street corner, a parking garage, etc. where the lure meets with the person in question. The lure makes a specific movement, or speaks a code word into a microphone, then a van full of agents grab the person in question slipping a black bag over their head, sometimes sedating them to avoid attracting attention.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Peter Wright. Spy Catcher: The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer. Penguin USA, 1987. ISBN 0-670-82055-5.

[edit] External links