
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en This user is a native speaker of English.
en-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
cs-2 Tento uživatel má středně pokročilé znalosti češtiny.
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I am Brian Kell, a graduate student in mathematics at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. I joined Wikipedia on 29 November 2003, when I made my first edit, a few minor corrections to Superphénix. Since then it has become a habit of mine to edit Wikipedia articles whenever I'm putting off something useful. I reached 10,000 edits on 9 August 2006, according to Essjay's edit counter; to celebrate the occasion, my 10,000th edit was a few minor corrections to Superphénix.

My largest contributions to Wikipedia articles to date are the article about indigo dye, of which I wrote the majority, and the list of solar system objects by mass, which I began. Most of my edits to articles are minor spelling or grammatical tweaks that I do in passing. I spend a lot of time in the image namespace, trying to deal with the chaos that reigns there. I have uploaded some images of my own, which anyone may use however they like, as outlined below.

I know Clayness, Colby, Hschimke, Jhofker, Stack, Stolee, Swid, and W00tfest99. I also know Mbeerman and Wnorton, but they don't have user pages yet.


[edit] Intellectual property

Licensing hassles annoy me, so I release, abandon, renounce, relinquish, waive, and otherwise disavow all exclusive rights to all my textual contributions on Wikipedia in all languages. I similarly release all exclusive rights that I hold to any images or other non-textual contributions that I upload to Wikipedia in any language. Be aware, however, that some of my images may be derivative works of images by others; in such cases I can only release any exclusive rights that I myself hold. I have tried to indicate in my image gallery when one of my images is a derivative work of a previous image.

Any person or entity may freely use, reproduce, distribute, or modify, for commercial or non-commercial use, with or without attribution, anything I wrote or uploaded to Wikipedia to which I have released my exclusive rights. (Ideally I would just release everything into the public domain, but I guess I can't do that. It is unnecessarily difficult to give up rights you don't want.)

As a corollary, if you want to license anything to which I have given up my exclusive rights (if, say, you need a license for some technical legal reason), you may do so under whatever license you want, so long as it does not claim to give you any exclusive rights. Pick one that suits your needs; the GFDL is an example. If you need me to officially "agree", send me an e-mail, or post on my talk page. Apparently it is established law that a license cannot be made irrevocable without consideration, which means that if you don't trust me and you want to be absolutely sure I don't revoke this entirely-free-use license in the future, you should send me a dollar. ;-)

All contributions by this user hereby released into the public domain
Public domain I, the author, hereby agree to waive all claim of copyright (economic and moral) in all content contributed by me, the user, and immediately place any and all contributions by me into the public domain; I grant anyone the right to use my work for any purpose, without any conditions, to be changed or destroyed in any manner whatsoever without any attribution or notice to the creator.

[edit] Know thine image formats

A big personal annoyance for me is images in JPEG format that should be PNGs or SVGs. Things like maps and diagrams should ideally be SVGs if possible, or else PNGs, but never JPEGs (unless they were scanned from a hard copy, in which case PNG still isn't a bad idea).

There is a category for images with inappropriate JPEG compression. I also have my own list of images in the wrong format. If you have some graphics software and want to help, please do so.

[edit] My opinions

I tend to be a perfectionist and an idealist, rather than a pragmatist or a realist.

I think that copyright protection in the United States lasts far too long; something like the 28 years granted by the Copyright Act of 1909 is much more reasonable than the current span of the life of the author plus 70 years. The ultimate purpose of copyright, according to the United States Constitution, is "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts". After a point, prolonging copyright protection actually hampers this progress, as authors are not free to create derivative works of copyrighted material, and many creative works will be forgotten or lost before they enter the public domain.

I believe that the English Wikipedia should not allow fair-use images. Many images on Wikipedia for which fair use is claimed are logos, and I don't think logos add anything to articles, certainly not enough to justify a fair-use claim. Some fair-use images, like album covers or screenshots of video games that illustrate unique characteristics, might improve articles significantly, it is true. On the whole, though, the rampant abuse of fair-use tags outweighs the advantages of allowing them. The fair-use tags just invite people to take images from Web pages indiscriminately and claim fair use—not to mention the inevitable and interminable debates about what uses are "fair" and what uses cross the blurry legal line into copyright infringement. Wikipedia is meant to be a freely usable and freely editable encyclopedia, and fair-use images are entirely contradictory to that goal, even those fair-use images which significantly improve articles.

For this reason, I have decided that I will no longer make any fair-use claims for images on Wikipedia. Fair use is a gray murky area in copyright law, and I do not want to make any claims that could easily be brought into question in the future. If you think that this is too extreme, you can talk to me about it. After all, there are supposed to be no binding decisions here.

The assumption of good faith is indeed important on Wikipedia, but it's pulled out far too often as a defense. AGP means that we should assume that Wikipedia editors are not acting maliciously. It does not mean that we should assume that what they write is correct, or that we should assume that the image they found on the Internet and uploaded is not a copyright violation. The AGP policy is a rather more tactful rephrasing of Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity."

Whenever I get really frustrated with Wikipedia, I remind myself that Wikipedia is a long-range project, and that it doesn't have to be perfect today. I think this makes me an optimistic eventualist.

[edit] Wikipedia complaints

From a technical perspective, Wikipedia has a few flaws. Here are my major gripes, in decreasing order of severity.

  • Images cannot be moved or renamed. This is a tremendous problem. Right now the image namespace is almost prohibitively chaotic. There is no consistent naming scheme in place for images, because such a scheme could not be enforced at all. Moreover, if I want to replace a messy image in JPEG format with a clean PNG version, I have to upload the PNG version as a new image, replace all references to the image in all articles, and tag the JPEG as obsolete—not to mention the problems I run into if the original image had an unclear copyright status, in which case it becomes my burden to figure out the license. If the original JPEG is subsequently deleted, we lose the entire history of the image, because the replacement PNG is a brand new image in Wikipedia's eyes. This is MediaZilla bug 709.
  • Moving things to the Wikimedia Commons destroys file histories. There is no easy way to move a file to the Commons, and no way at all to preserve the file history. This is a very big problem; for example, many of the images I have contributed to have since been moved to the Commons, and there is absolutely no record anywhere of what I did. This isn't a problem in my particular case, since I have released all my rights, but if someone wanted to ask permission to use a Commons image under a license other than the GFDL, in many cases it would be impossible to find the original author and subsequent contributors. The history is the primary evidence Wikipedia has for claiming GFDL; when the history of a file is lost, Wikipedia loses this justification. This is MediaZilla bug 5283.
  • Categories cannot be moved or renamed. If there's a good category with a poor name, we're out of luck, unless someone wants to make a brand new category and move all the articles over. But this carries many of the same problems as replacing a JPEG with a PNG. This is MediaZilla bug 5451.
  • Wikimedia Commons is clumsy. There is no way for a Commons resource to be multilingual, even though a major reason for the existence of the Commons is so that Wikipedias in different languages can share the same image base. There don't appear to be good guidelines for when images should be put in an article and when they should be put in a category instead. Finally, images on Commons can be shadowed by images of the same name on a specific-language Wikipedia (MediaZilla bug 2717).
  • Image names include the format. From the point of view of the author of a Wikipedia article, it doesn't matter if the map of Europe they want to use is a JPEG or a GIF or a PNG or an SVG; they should just be able to say [[Image:Map of Europe]] and let the software figure out what format it is. This would also solve the massive inconvenience of replacing an image in one format with an image in a different format. As it stands now, apparently the extension doesn't have to match the file type anyway; I've seen several PNGs with a .jpg extension, for example. This is MediaZilla bug 4421.

And then way down the priority list comes this one:

  • \textstyle doesn't work in math markup. For example, <math>\textstyle n\choose k</math> currently produces \textstyle n\choose k, which is exactly the same thing that's produced with no \textstyle: n\choose k. It should look very similar to \big({}^n_k\big), which would be much better for inclusion in running text. If \textstyle were supported, you could also do things like <math>\textstyle 355\over113</math>, which would show up as something like {}^\underline{355}_{113}, which would similarly be much better in running text than 355\over113. The four commands \displaystyle, \textstyle, \scriptstyle, and \scriptscriptstyle are defined in both plain TeX and LaTeX. This is MediaZilla bug 4000.

[edit] Other stuff

Places I would like to visit someday include Siberia, Prague, Iceland, and Two Ocean Pass.

[edit] Userboxes

I find many userboxes to be frivolous and irrelevant. Things like "This user eats pizza" are pretty pointless; the most meaningless is probably {{User wikipedia}}, which says "This user is a member of Wikipedia". Hence, this section contains only userboxes that place me in categories that might help other Wikipedians to find me if they need someone with a specific skill or background.

bas-3 This user is an advanced BASIC programmer.
batch-3 This user is an advanced Batch programmer.
c-3 This user is an advanced C programmer.
c++-2 This user is an intermediate C++ programmer.
c#-1 This user is a beginning C# programmer.
hs This user can program in Haskell.
html-3 This user is an advanced HTML user.
java-3 This user is an advanced Java programmer.
js-2 This user is an intermediate JavaScript coder.
eiπ This user is a mathematician.
pas This user can program in Pascal.
Perl-3 This user is an advanced Perl programmer.
php-2 This user is an intermediate PHP programmer.
re-4 This user is an expert regular expression programmer.
xml This user can write XML.
xhtml-3 This user is an advanced XHTML user.

[edit] Bookmarks

[edit] Notes to self

[edit] External link