Bishopsgarth comprehensive school

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Bishopsgarth Comprehisive
1 Floor!
Nice staff
Good dinner and after school clubs
School dinners provided by Schoolarest

Bishopsgarth Comprehesive School is an school that is an maths and ICT collage. It features really supportive staff and really good cspecial needs care. There is community transport available for pupils.

[edit] Planners

At Bishopsgarth, all pupils must have a A5 planer by PlanIt. It is an school rule to have an planner. The planners feature the school rules, weekly diary and achievement signings. The pupils can receive awards for filling in pages.

[edit] Thought for the week

Every week the whole school has a thought for the week which is changed each week. The current thought for the week is:

Your belife in your ability has a profound effect on your ability

For more infomation please go to the website (outdated): Here