Bishop of Lindisfarne (Saxon)

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Bishop of Lindisfarne redirects here. This is the list-page for the holders of the episcopal see of Lindisfarne founded in 635 by Saint Aidan. For the re-founded see, see Bishop of Lindisfarne (modern).


[edit] First Bishops of Lindisfarne

In 664 the see was transferred to York by Saint Wilfrid who succeeded Tuda following his untimely death. The see was reinstated in 678 by the Archbishop of Canterbury following Wilfrid's banishment from Northumbria by King Ecgfrith1. Its new seat was initially, at least in part, at Hexham.

[edit] Reinstatement of the See

The monks of Lindisfarne fled from the Danes in 875 along with the ancient remains of Saint Cuthbert and there was no seat of the Bishop of Lindisfarne for seven years. In 882 Eardulf and his monks settled in Chester-le-Street and the seat of the Bishop of Lindisfarne was based here.

[edit] Bishops of Lindisfarne in Chester-le-Street

In 995 the King of England had paid the Danegeld to the Danish and Norwegian Kings and peace was restored. Aldhun (the last Bishop of Lindisfarne) was on his way to reestablish the see at Lindisfarne when in a divine vision he received the message that the body of Saint Cuthbert should be laid to rest in Durham. From this point the see of Lindisfarne was amalgamated into Durham and the title renamed Bishop of Durham.

[edit] External links

[edit] Notes

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