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Minister of Justice 1918 |
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Minister of Finance 1920 |
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Minister of the Interior 1920-1921 |
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Minister of Agriculture 1927 |
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Foreign Minister of Romania April 18, 1931 - April 26, 1932 interim |
Succeeded by Dimitrie I. Ghica |
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Minister of Industry and Commerce 1938 |
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Preceded by Gheorghe Argeşanu |
Prime Minister of Romania September 28, 1939 - November 24, 1939 |
Succeeded by Gheorghe Tătărescu |
Men are not sprung from Zeus; they are creatures of flesh and blood and do not exist in a vacuum. Consequently, when writing a biography of someone, it is important that, whenever possible, you give a brief but informative description of his parents, siblings, spouse(s) and children, and also that you do not skip directly from birth to age 18 or 25, or worse yet start in medias res without even a mention of birth, but rather that you give some short but meaningful information about the subject's childhood. Additionally, men do not simply leave the earth (unless they are named Jesus, Elijah or Enoch): they die somehow. Try to make clear how that happened, and how they spend their declining years, if possible.
[edit] Article
See also:1936 Summer Olympics and
1936 Winter Olympics
In 1936, Olímpicos Games of Winter and Summer had become fullfilled in Nazi Germany [[]], respectively in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Baviera) and Berlin. In this double occasion, sport supplied to one palco aesthetic Nazi and was used as vehicle of propaganda for the regimen to hitler iano as never before it happens.
The choice of the headquarters was not particularly polémica. However, after the ascent of Hitler to the power, had proposals of boycotting and same attempts of alternative organization of Olímpiadas. During the games, Germany reduced the repression anti-mistreats and tried to show one better image to the world. At the same time, the German government participated of a campaign diplomatics trying to catch the affection of foreign dignitários that had visited Germany during the games. For the posterity, however, the Games of 1936 are essentially associates to the figure of Jesse Owens.
[edit] Choice of location
Comité International Olímpico attributed to the organization of the Games of Summer Berlin, during its congress of 1931 in Barcelona. To another city candidate for the Games of Summer it was exactamente Barcelona. In that height, it was started for if choosing the city that organized the Games of Summer, and was later the Comité respective national Olímpico that decided if it also organized the Winter Games. The Winter Games of 1924 and 1932 had also been become fullfilled in the same country that organized the Games of Summer. It was, therefore, the Comité German Olímpico that decided that the Games of Winter if would celebrate in the neighboring villages of Garmisch and Partenkirchen.
The choice of Germany had a load considerable politics, given that] designated the return of Germany to the great porting competitions after World War I. Moreover, the 1916 Summer Olympics, cancelled because of the war, had initially been awarded to Berlin.
[edit] Proposal of boycott
Hitler and broken Nazi had been eleitos in 1933. Few months later, diverse national olímpicos members of comités had started to interrogate themselves on if] would be eticamente correcto to participate in the Games organized for [[Nazi Nazismo|regime]. Of fact, confirming its rhetoric before arriving at the power, the Nazis (from April of 1933) had quickly restored one politics of racial segregation in the sport and other aspects of the social life. The Jews, in particular, had been sistematicamente expulsos of the clubs and porting federacies, and were probidos to enter in the deportivas installations.
In United States, the president of comité olímpico state-unidense, Avery Brundage, started for defending that the organization of the Games to Germany left, and that these were organized in another country. Brundage particularly was worried about the restrictions to the porting activity of Jewish s in Germany. In its opinion, the beddings of the olímpico spirit would fall for land if the countries decided who could be present in function of social aspects, creed or race. However, after short one visits to Germany, Brundage declared that the Jews German were well to be treated and that the Games must have place as foreseen in Germany. Brundage, that assumed a particular responsibility, given that the delegation state-unidense to the Games was traditionally most numerous, would come to disclose some times against a possible one has boycotted, affirming that the sport if would have to keep moved away from the skirmishes judeo-Nazis. [Exactly arrived to affirm to have a conspiracy comunisto-Semite against the participation of [U.S.A.]] in the Games.
Of the side of the partisans of the boycotting, one of the most active age Jeremiah Mahoney, president of the Federacy state-unidense of atletismo. Mahoney enhanced that Germany had broken the spirit of the Olimpismo when imposing racial and religious discriminations; to participate age to support Hitler. The apelos to the boycotting of Mahoney had particular receptividade next to the community catholic of the United States. Ernst Lee Jahncke, one another burning hot apoiante of the proposals of boycotting, was same banishes from the Comité International Olímpico for if revealing against the participation of U.S.A. in the Games.
The proposals of boycotting also had been alive argued in other countries, in particular in the United kingdom, France, Sweden, Spain, Czechoslovakia and the Netherlands. Germans in the exile of diverse orientações politics had also disclosed themselves in favor of one boycotting. However, with the exception of Spain, all these countries had finished for participating, to the step that, in diverse delegations, athletes (Jewish or not) if had refused this.
[edit] Alternative Olympics: the People's Olympiad
the adepts of the boycotting had started to organize Olimpíadas alternative (Olimpíadas Popular) that if] would have to carry through in the Summer of 1936 in [[Barcelona], the city that had been neglected for Comité International Olímpico. This initiative had however of being annulled, few days before if initiating, because of Spanish Civil War, in July of 1936.
[edit] Participating countries
The following countries participated in the Games: Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Netherlands, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, and Yugoslavia. Never had as many countries participated in the Games until then.
[edit] Suppression of anti-Semitic violence
[[Image: |thumb|300px|right|Durante Anti-Semitismus 1933.jpg the Games, the posters anti-semitics had been removed of the public way.]] During the Games and the months that had preceded them, was necessary to show to the thousands of visitors everything what the country and the regimen had of good, and to prevent that the black face of the regimen sobressaísse. Thus, the successive campaigns anti-semitics, who had been a constant since the taking of the power for Adolf Hitler, esmoreceram. The violence against the Jewish community, particularly visible in the Summer of the previous year, almost disappeared. The acknowledgments forbidding or dissuading the presence of Jews, that were frequent to the entrance of many localities and quarters ( Juden sind nicht erwünscht - Jewish is not desired ), or other similar text posters and taste doubtful, had been removed by order of Hitler (after an order of conde Henri Baillet-Latour, the Belgian that presided over to Comité International Olímpico), in February of 1936, immediately before the opening of the Games of Winter. Moreover, Germany accepted to include in its delegation a shooter (brandishhes) that it was descending of Jews: Helene Mayer would exactly come to conquer a silver medal.
[edit] Infrastructure
The construction, decoration and renovation of the athletic infrastructure and of the leisure zones took place with a frenetic rhythm, with no expense spared, in an attempt to improve the appearance of the Games' headquarters. The centre of attention was naturally the new Berlin Olympic Stadium.
[edit] Berlin Olympic Stadium
The original plans for the new stadium were drawn by the architect Werner March. O estádio substituiu o Estádio Alemão (Deutsche Stadion) desenhado por Otto March (pai de Werner March) e construído entre 1912 and 1913 para ser a sede dos 1916 Summer Olympics que acabariam por ser cancelados devido à World War I.
Os projectos de Werner March foram rejeitados pelo próprio Hitler já durante a construção; Hitler comparou o projecto a uma caixa de louça moderna, numa das suas usuais diatribes. Hitler ameaçou mesmo anular os Jogos por causa da pequenez do projecto. Albert Speer rapidamente alterou os esboços para linhas mais clássicas e imponentes. Hitler exigia que o estádio viesse a ser o maior de sempre. Muito embora o estádio fosse consideravelmente maior que o estádio dos 1932 Summer Olympics, in Los Angeles, Hitler continuou durante as obras a queixar-se da alegada pequenez do projecto.
[edit] Opening ceremony
All the city of Berlin was decorated with swastikas when Olympic flame arrived in the city on 1 August 1936 and the Games of the XI Olympiad were inaugurated. The enormous dirigible, the Hindenburg, floated above the stadium; above it was suspended the Olympic flag. During the opening ceremony, the stadium certainly more than had what its nominal capacity of 110 000 spectators, while in the exterior, a crowd estimated at 1 million people if lined up for the streets to see to pass the parade of car s carrying Führer , dignitários of the regimen and guests.
A fanfare of thirty trumpets greeted Hitler when he entered the stadium. Richard Strauss directed a choir of 3,000 elements that entoaram the German hymn “ Deutschland, Deutschland to über Alles ”, and “ Horst-Wessel-Lied ”, the hymn of Broken Nazi. Strauss also directed the orchestra that touched new olímpico hymn, especially composed for this occasion.
Many of the delegations that had entered in the stadium for the inaugural cerimónia had made the Nazi greeting when passing in front of the head of the State. The delegations British state-unidense and had counted enter the rare ones that they had abstained to make it. For all the stadium, it had epic cameras that they caught that moment. Leni Riefenstahl, that already it had worked for the party and filmed the congress of Nuremberga of 1936, filmed very of the games for order of the government.
[edit] Competition
the games of Summer had been uncurled during two weeks. [Enters the porting successes of the participants sobressaíram the facts of [Jesse Owens]], winner of four gold medals. One said that Hitler if refused to compliment medalhados Owens and other black s, but truth is that it was not foreseen that Hitler greeted the medalhados ones. Hitler, effectively, complimented the winners of the two first gold medals, one finlandês and one alemão, this had even so not been foreseen for the organization. In the first day, already late, but still before the end of the tests, Hitler abandoned the stadium after the elimination of the last participant competitors German in jump in height. Deliberately or not, this made with that Hitler did not have to decide if would have or not to compliment Cornelius personally the Johnsons and Davis Albritton, the two Afros-American who had conquered the silver and gold medals, respectively.
[edit] Jesse Owens
Jesse Owens competed in as the day and gained 100 flat meters. Before this, already Henri Baillet-Latour had informed Hitler who, in accordance with the olímpico protocol, a guest of honor of comité olímpico would not have to greet the winners. Hitler did not compliment plus no medalhado. However, he can infer itself with great certainty that Hitler would have prevented to meet with Owens: Baldur von Schirach, the leader of Hitleriana Youth, would have considered that Hitler was photographed together with Owens. Hitler would have reacted infuriated and offended and would have said von Schirach that the United States would have to be envergonhar to send blacks to the Games. Owens also gained the gold medal of the 200 flat meters, the courier 4×400 meters and jump in length.
[edit] German victory
Hitler attended the porting tests almost every day, and always efusivamente was efusivamente acclaimed by the multitude of spectators. For its pride and contentment, the German athletes registaram diverse successes; Germany was the medalhado country more in the Games of Summer, and as more medalhado in the Games of Winter.
(Host nation highlighted)
Rank | Nation | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Total |
1 | Germany | 33 | 26 | 30 | 89 |
2 | United States | 24 | 20 | 12 | 56 |
3 | Hungary | 10 | 1 | 5 | 16 |
4 | Italy | 8 | 9 | 5 | 22 |
5 | Finland | 7 | 6 | 6 | 19 |
France | 7 | 6 | 6 | 19 | |
7 | Sweden | 6 | 5 | 9 | 20 |
8 | Japan | 6 | 4 | 8 | 18 |
9 | Netherlands | 6 | 4 | 7 | 17 |
10 | Great Britain | 4 | 7 | 3 | 14 |
Note: Nine medal recipients were Jewish. (Host nation highlighted)
Rank | Nation | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Total |
1 | Norway | 7 | 5 | 3 | 15 |
2 | Germany | 3 | 3 | 0 | 6 |
3 | Sweden | 2 | 2 | 3 | 7 |
4 | Finland | 1 | 2 | 3 | 6 |
5 | Switzerland | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
6 | Austria | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
7 | Great Britain | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
8 | United States | 1 | 0 | 3 | 4 |
9 | Canada | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
10 | France | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Hungary | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
[edit] Diplomacy
For there of the porting competitions, Hitler and the Nazi party had not lost the chance to impress foreign dignitários with demonstrations of fancy hospitality. Joachim von Ribbentrop, that Hitler finishes to nominate ambassador in London but that not yet had assumed the position, received hundreds from foreign guests in luxurious suppers in its mansion of Dahlem. Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of the Propaganda, more than gave to a reception with fogos of artifice for a thousand guests, essentially foreign, in Havel (the lake next to Berlin). Hermann Göring, then the second figure of the regimen, exceeded all the others in its festive extravagrancy. Henry Channon, a British conservative member of House of Commons, was fascinated with a reception offered for Göring for 800 coexists in the Ministry of Air, and commented that never [thus has a party since the times of [Luis XIV]], or same since Nero.
[edit] In the media
the mediática covering of the Games was intensíssima. [Had 3000 transmissions [Radio (communication) |radiofónicas more than]] for more than 50 countries. Only in the United States, 100 stations of radio had more than transmitted stories and news articles since Berlin. The Games had been the first ones to be transmitted in television, even so the transmission, limited to the proper city of Berlin, resulted in images of bad quality, exactly having in account technology of the time.
In the total, the Games of Summer had more than received 4 million spectators. William Schirer, one journalist state-unidense, and the German politólogo and Jewish Victor Klemperer aperceberam itself well of the efficiency of the Nazi propaganda and had left stories of visitors impressed for the dynamism of the country, and for the joy and desire of peace of Germany. Schirer wrote in its crónicas: “I believe and distrust well that the Nazis have led best with its propaganda. The scale never before seen in the Games pleased the athletes. Moreover, they had very left good image next to the other visitors and special of business-oriented men.” Klemperer saw well that the Games had been “before more nothing an event politician, during which if it hammers to the Germans and the foreigners the joined glory and the pacific spirit of Terceiro Reich”.
These stories also appeared in the German press, where] was contrasted with [[notice] s of looting and death in republican Spain and comunista, where guerra was imminent. In contrast with the great majority of the stories, daily of the ambassador the state-unidense William Dodd describes a propaganda that occasions its effect next to the local public opinion, but that it dislikes the foreigners. (Dood had supported the proposals of boycotting and considered that the decision to participate in the Games was deplorable).
The persecutions you mistreat would soon recommence after the end of the Games the 16 of August of 1936. It even so weighs the glow of the Games, during the year of 1936, the German economy met it arms with immense económica crisis, with lack of consumption good, provoked for rearmamento sped up.
[edit] Bibliography
- Richard Mandell (1972), Nazi The Olympics , London.
- Leni Riefenstahl (1993), the Memoir , New Iorque.
- Joachim von Ribbentrop (1954), The Ribbentrop Memoirs , London.
- William Schirer (1970), Berlin Diary 1934-1941 , London.
- Ian Kershaw (2000) Hitler , London.
- Robert Rhodes James (1967), Chips - The Diaries of to sir Henry Channon , London.
- William & Martha Dodd (1941), Ambassador Dodd's Diary - 1933/1938, London.
- Arnd Krüger (1972), Die Olympischen Spiele und die Werlmeinung, Berlin.
- Albert Speer (1969), Erinnerungen , Fankfurt am Main.
- Paul Wolff (1936), Was ich bei den Olympischen Spielen 1936 sah , Berlin.
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