Birkenhead Public Library

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Birkenhead Public Library
Birkenhead Public Library

Birkenhead Public Library is part of the North Shore Libraries system on Auckland's North Shore. Founded in 1949 it predominately serves the areas of Beachhaven, Birkdale, Kauri Park, Chelsea, and Birkenhead East, a population of about 26,000, including six primary schools, one intermediate, and two colleges.[1]

Typical of small libraries in New Zealand it is able to provide an extensive range of modern library resources through its integration into a wider urban network, and through its association with the National Library; while nevertheless retaining its own distinct, local connections such as the one to the Chelsea Archives Collection.

Though small Birkenhead Public has a significant history. It was the first public library to be founded in North Shore City, the first to offer dial-up access to the New Zealand Bibliographic Network, and a leading proponent of full weekend services.[2]

Currently, Birkenhead Public is located in temporary quarters in the Birkenhead Leisure Centre, while the dispute over the location and design of its new building is resolved.[3]


[edit] History

The history of Birkenhead Public Library can be characterized by four clear transformations which have occurred at approximately twenty year intervals since its founding in 1949. Three of these transformations involved new buildings; while the other involved amalgamation into the wider North Shore Libraries system.

[edit] Founding of the Library

At the turn of the twentieth century, apart from ‘subscription libraries’ the only library in Birkenhead was run by the Zion Hill Methodist Church. In 1901, the Birkenhead Borough Council had resolved that its legal and finance committee should consider building a public one, but little eventuated.[4]

Funding proved to be the issue. A subsidy of £100 was sought from the government in 1904 for a building ‘not to exceed a total of £600;'[5] yet in 1934 the Auckland Star could still report on dissent at a Birkenhead Borough Council meeting. When John MacDonald spoke out that “It is a poor town that has no public library” the then mayor, George Mills, ‘retorted that it would be an easy matter to start a library if the ratepayers provided the money.'[6]

Yet, in 1949, the Free Birkenhead Public Library was established in the basement of the Council Chambers, opening on November 14. It was a modest beginning, bolstered by support from the National Library. There was an initial budget of £500. The library began with a collection of one thousand four hundred and ninety-nine items, 'swelled by about another twenty books a month.'[7]

[edit] The Civic Reserve Library

After the Auckland Harbour Bridge was opened in 1959 the Birkenhead area became much more accessible.[8] People flowed in and the books went out. By the mid 1960s issues each year had increased dramatically, by nearly a hundred thousand items.[9]

Nora Bourke, the Chairman of the Library Committee, felt ‘we hadn’t really got a library’ at all, and with mayor Cyril Crocombe began making plans for a much larger building. This was to be a purpose-built construction modelled on the Glenn Innis Library. On 20 April 1968 the new building was officially opened by the Governor General Sir Arthur Porritt.[10] For thirty-seven years this was to remain the location of the Birkenhead Public Library, and in 1979 the reserve was renamed after the first librarian, Nell Fisher.[11]

[edit] Amalgamation

The 1980s saw an increase in the depth and variety of services offered. A mobile van started in 1982, and the library began opening on Saturdays in 1983. In 1986, children’s multimedia items were offered for the first time, and the New Zealand Bibliographic Network link was established. Soon after compact discs were made available; while in 1987 the library began opening on Sundays, so service was now provided over the entire week.[12]

Notable too in the late eighties, was the processing of books to create ‘machine readable codes,’ the registering of borrowers directly onto the computer, and a new computer management system. This was a forerunner of the greater computerisation ahead, including the introduction of self-issue machines in 1995, internet access in 1996 and a widening range of electronic resources from 2002.[13]

However, perhaps the most significant event of the eighties was amalgamation of the Birkenhead and Northcote Boroughs, and the subsequent merging of the local libraries into the North Shore Libraries system in 1989.[14]

Staff were redeployed and regional development was initiated. A new division, Technical Services, became fully operational at Takapuna. A Children’s Services Co-ordinator was appointed, and the computer management system established the year before was improved to allow universal access to the six libraries’ holdings.[15]

This convergence has continued to this day with the advent of the ‘eLGAR’ conglomerate, the Libraries of the Greater Auckland Region. Birkenhead Library (as part of the North Shore Libraries system) began a public rollout of the eLGAR Smarter System on June 16 2005.[16]

On the 1st of May 2000, a time capsule was buried out in front of the library. It contained various items such as maps, driver's licences, shopping receipts, and old library cards from the 1960s and 1970s. Planned to be dug up in one hundred years, it was meant to be a small indication for the future of the way things were, and a recognition of the changes that were to come.[17]

[edit] The Modern Community Library

In preparation for a new $6.5 million[18] community library complex the old building was demolished in May 2005. The library service was temporarily relocated to a basketball court in the Birkenhead Leisure Centre. It was expected to be there for eighteen months.[19]

However problems immediately engulfed the project, delaying its implementation. Some residents claimed they had not been properly consulted and became particularly concerned about the loss of green space in the Nell Fisher Reserve. The Council disputed that there had been no consultation and stood by its design.[20]

Yet in June, three independent commissioners declined resource consent. Reasons cited included concern about the impact on the existing environment, traffic flow, and the building's proposed size, which violated the zoning requirements.[21]

Set back the Council elected to seek re-zoning.[22] In the local paper, the North Shore Times, there was a steady clamour from both opponents of the project and those in favour. In addition to issues with the new library itself, the Council's performance was questioned, concern was raised about the drop-off in existing library services, and the library project was linked to the ongoing redevelopment in the whole of the Birkenhead town centre.[23]

Three-quarters of those who made submissions on the rezoning supported the change, including Thea Muldoon wife of the former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Rob Muldoon. Prominent among those objecting were former television newsreader Judy Bailey, and property developer, Graham Milne.[24]

Milne, who had made proposals as far back as 1989, proffered a wide variety of alternative plans for a far more elaborate community centre. These involved road closures, adding new roads, and leasing or selling his land or going into partnership using his buildings. There was little support for his ideas and in June 2006 two independent commissioners approved the rezoning of the district plan.[25]

It was expected then that the library project would be further delayed by two years.[26] However, Abraham Holdings, owner of the Rawene Chambers located opposite the library's former site, lodged an appeal with the Environment Court, claiming, among other things, concern over the impact on the historic value of the reserve. A hearing is set for May 28 2007.[27]

While the future of Birkenhead Library is uncertain a survey conducted by the MP for Northcote Jonathan Coleman in October of 2006 showed there was still widespread support for the return of the library to its old site.[28]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Fisher, Muriel and Hilder, Wenman. (1969). Birkenhead: the kauri suburb, Birkenhead: Birkenhead Borough Council, pg 101; Statistics New Zealand. (2006). Community Profiles link accessed Feb 2007.
    re the number schools, etc from: Southon, Dorothy. 'Letter to editor: Library woes,' North Shore Times, 4 Aug 2005, pg 7; cf: Cervin, Maurice. (ed)(2006). Excellence: New Zealand Education Directory, Wellington: Cervin Publishing Ltd. Online at EducationPages Mentioned here are Birkdale Intermediate, Birkdale North School, Birkdale Primary School, Birenhead School, Chelsea School, Verran Primary School and Birkenhead College. The difference to Southon reflects the blurred boundaries between districts. Its moot to the point, which is to indicate the importance of the library in the community.
  2. ^ Graham, Rata. (1992). Birkenhead Library:a history,Birkenhead: North Shore Libraries, pg 1-3; North Shore Times (no byline). 'Computer links Birkenhead to library network,' North Shore Times, 28 Jan 1986 pg 3.
  3. ^ Watson,Ben. 'Waiting game for reserve appeal,' North Shore Times, Friday June 9, 2006, pg 6.
  4. ^ Fisher, Muriel and Hilder, Wenman. (1969). Birkenhead: the kauri suburb, Birkenhead: Birkenhead Borough Council, pg 102; Haddon, Kathy. (1993). Birkenhead: the way we were, Birkenhead: North Shore City Council, pg 45.
  5. ^ Fisher, Muriel and Hilder, Wenman. (1969). Birkenhead: the kauri suburb, Birkenhead: Birkenhead Borough Council, pg 101.
  6. ^ Auckland Star, The (no byline). 'News of the Day: Library for Birkenhead,' The Auckland Star, 31 May 1934, in Extracts from the Birkenhead City Council scrapbook, compiled by Colleen Christie, pg 2.
  7. ^ Quote from: North Shore Times (no byline). 'The last word in library service,' North Shore Times, 26 Apr 1968, pg 6; Reed, Kim. 'Reserve zone change on the books,' North Shore Times, 29 Sept 2005, pg 3 cites exact opening date. Christie, Colleen. (1988). Back Then, Vol 1, pg 114. Percy Hurn, then on the Council 'Committee of the library,' and a volunteer librarian, was involved in selecting those first books. He recalled the first one he picked up was Sunset over France. More prosaically the newspaper of the day recorded ' textbooks on agriculture,' 'a complete set of the books of Walter Scott' and '13 volumes of the works of Thackeray,' cited from: North Shore Times (no byline). 'Birkenhead Library,' North Shore Times, 9 Nov 1949, pg 7.
  8. ^ Titchener, Paul. (1982). 'The naming of Birkenhead,' Beginnings Vol 6, pg 36; Christie, Colleen. (1989) Birkenhead:a brief account, Birkenhead: Birkenhead Public Libray, pg 3.
  9. ^ Fisher, Muriel and Hilder, Wenman. (1969). Birkenhead: the kauri suburb, Birkenhead: Birkenhead Borough Council, pg 101.
  10. ^ North Shore Times (no byline). 'New page in Birkenhead history,' North Shore Times, 26 Apr 1968, pg 4; Christie, Colleen. (1988). Back Then, Vol 3, pg 23-25.
  11. ^ Reed, Kim. 'Reserve zone change on the books,' North Shore Times, 29 Sept 2005, pg 3. Eleanor 'Nell' Fisher was manager of the library until 1971. See: Graham, Rata. (1992). Birkenhead Library: a history,Birkenhead: North Shore Libraries, pg 8.
  12. ^ Graham, Rata. (1992). Birkenhead Library:a history,Birkenhead: North Shore Libraries, pg 2-5.
  13. ^ North Shore Times (no byline). 'New system for library,' North Shore Times, 12 Dec 1995, pg 3; North Shore Times (no byline). 'Library surfs the internet,' North Shore Times, 19 Sept 1996, pg 38. This article refers mainly to the central library at Takapuna, but indicates that public internet access was to be rolled out to other branches later in that same year. Carmichael, Nikki. 'The world's at your fingertips via libraries,' North Shore Times, 3 May 2002.
  14. ^ Norsburgh, Megan. 'Supercity swears in its mayors and councillors,' North Shore Times, 31 Oct 1989, pg 3. By way of historical comparison: Birkenhead obtained borough status in 1888, and city status in 1978. From: Christie, Colleen. (1989). Birkenhead: a brief account, pg 2,3.
  15. ^ Graham, Rata. (1992). Birkenhead Library:a history,Birkenhead: North Shore Libraries, pg 2-5; Christie, Colleen. (1989) Birkenhead: a brief account, Birkenhead: Birkenhead Public Library, pg 4; North Shore Times (no byline). 'Library celebrates seven day service,' North Shore Times, 17 May 2005, pg 11.
  16. ^ Bethell, Michelle. 'Borrowing’s a breeze with library’s smart system,' North Shore Times, 17 May 2005 pg 5.
  17. ^ North Shore Times (no byline). Le Bas, Natalia. 'Historic moment in time,' North Shore Times, 9 May 2000, pg 11.
  18. ^ Cost projections: $1m, $3.3m, $4m, $5.4m, $6.5m. These have varied over time as the project shifted its focus from refurbishment or expansion of the then existing building, to a completely new building complex. Further, in late 2005, the Council Community Services General Manager, Loretta Burnett, stated: "There will be additional costs associated with a plan change but they are modest in comparison." Quoted from Reed, Kim. 'Reserve zone change on the books,' North Shore Times, 29 Sept 2005, pg 3.
    Figures cited taken respectively from: North Shore Times (no byline). 'Birkenhead Library gets $1m expansion,' North Shore Times, 23 Aug 2001 pg 11; North Shore Times (no byline). 'Manager supports new library for Birkenhead,' North Shore Times, 28 Mar 2002, pg 28; North Shore Times (no byline). 'Library list of woes make sad reading,' North Shore Times, 10 Jun 2003, pg 1; North Shore Times (no byline). 'A new library on the books,' North Shore Times, 19 Jun 2003, pg 1; North Shore Times (no byline). 'Deadline looms for library plan feedback,' North Shore Times, 22 Feb 2005, pg 11.
  19. ^ North Shore Times (no byline). 'A new library on the books,' North Shore Times, 19 Jun 2003, pg 1; Reed, Kim. 'Deadline looms for library plan feedback,' North Shore Times, 22 Feb 2005, pg 11; North Shore City Council, 'Libraries bigger than books,' 18 Apr 2005; Reed, Kim. 'Free shuttle bus to temporaray library,' North Shore Times, 19 May 2005, pg 8.
  20. ^ Reed, Kim. 'Fears that Council breaching own rules,' North Shore Times, 30 June 2005, pg 1. Compare the debate over encroachment of the building's footprint onto the reserve land to the adjacent war memorial. Here, '18 perches' of land were devoted 'inalienably' in 1927. See: Titchener, Paul. (1982). 'The Birkenhead War Memorial,' Beginnings, Vol 6, pg 45.
  21. ^ Reed, Kim. 'Library plans thrown out,' North Shore Times, 12 July 2005, pg1.
  22. ^ Reed, Kim. 'Reserve zone change on the books,' North Shore Times, 29 Sept 2005, pg 3; North Shore Times (no byline). 'Council turns focus to new library plans,' North Shore Times, 2 Aug 2005, pg 4; North Shore City Council, Birkenhead Library back on track,' 23 Sep 2005.; North Shore City Council, Plan change for Birkenhead Library,' 28 Oct 2005.
  23. ^ Willis, Liz. 'Library project concerns raised,' North Shore Times, 4 May 2006, pg 5; Reed, Kim. 'Call to open fenced park,' North Shore Times, 11 Nov 2005, pg 2; White, Jean. 'Report criticises library process,' North Shore Times, 16 Mar 2006, pg 3; Jones, Robert.
    Letters-to-editor in chronological order to illustrate the diversity of opinions: 'Letter to editor: Library Fiasco,' North Shore Times, 19 Jul 2005, pg 6; Glenny, Don. 'Letter to editor: Libray compromise,' North Shore Times, 26 Jul 2005, pg 8; Marsh, Terry. 'Letter to editor: Devoted reader,' North Shore Times, 2 Aug 2005 pg 10;Denny, A and Cheesman, E. 'Letter to editor: Reading matter,' North Shore Times, 9 Aug 2005, pg 6; Scott, Clyde. 'Letter to editor: Leave reserve,' North Shore Times, Aug 18 2005, pg 6; Prangley, K. 'Letter to editor: Library claims,' North Shore Times, 30 Aug 2005, pg 10; Keucke, Helen. 'Letter to editor: Library option,' North Shore Times, 16 Sep 2005, pg 5; Burn, Peter. 'Letter to editor: Birkenhead development,' New Zealand Herald, 28 Feb 2006, pg ?; Milne, Graham. 'Letter to editor: Library stuff up,' North Shore Times, 4 Apr 2006, pg 7; Wright, Adrienne. 'Letter to editor: Friendly words,' North Shore Times, 23 Mar 2006, pg 7.
    Here is a background article to indicate the timeframe of current Highbury redevelopment, of which Birkenhead Library is a part: North Shore City Council, 'Unlocking Highbury's potential,' 29 Aug 2003. In particular, the development of 'Highbury corner'- the current disputed site - has always been contentious:

    The grounds upon which the Municipal Chambers stand are not only bare of attraction, but they harbour unsightly buildings which could well be accommodated in some less conspicicuous position.....Considering this locality is practically the heart of the borough, it ought to be worth while to make it presentable.

    from Tatler, The (no byline). Untitled ['Has not the time arrived..'], The Tatler, Vol 1, No.1, 17 Feb 1922, pg 6. Article is only of paragraph length.
  24. ^ Thompson, Wayne. 'Bitter North Shore planning dispute reaches climax,' New Zealand Herald, 28 Apr 2006, pg A7, available online: 'Bitter North Shore planning dispute reaches climax'; Thompson, Wayne. 'Land dispute divides community,' New Zealand Herald, 15 Feb 2006, pg A12, available online: 'Land dispute divides community'.
  25. ^ Willis, Liz. 'Library objector presents own plan,' North Shore Times, 4 Oct 2005, pg 2; Lynch, Haley. 'Library debate hots up,' North Shore Times, 11 Oct 2005, pg 2; North Shore City Council, 'Library to be built on Nell Fisher reserve,' 1 Jun 2006.; Aucklander, The(no byline). 'Birkenhead Library gets rezoning nod,' The Aucklander, 7 June 2006, pg 7.
  26. ^ Watson, Ben. 'Waiting game for reserve appeal,' North Shore Times, 9 June 2006, pg 6; (cf North Shore Times (no byline). 'New library still a year away,' North Shore Times, 20 Jan 2004, pg 3.); North Shore City Council, 'Appeal delays Birkenhead Library,' 21 Jul 2006.
  27. ^ Reed, Kim. 'Reserve rezoning appealed,' North Shore Times, 21 Jul 2006, pg 3; Grant, Kirsten. 'Library reconstruction in the doldrums,' The Aucklander, 23 Aug 2006, pg 5; North Shore City Council, 'Court to decide library's fate in May,' 28 Feb 2007; Cleghorn, 'Birkenhead Library update,' March 2007.
  28. ^ Willis, Liz. 'Public want their library brought back,' North Shore Times, 2 Nov 2006, pg 4.

[edit] References

  • Aucklander, The (no byline). 'Birkenhead Library gets rezoning nod,' The Aucklander, 7 June 2006, pg 7.
  • Auckland Star, The (no byline). 'News of the Day: Library for Birkenhead,' The Auckland Star, 31 May 1934, in Extracts from the Birkenhead City Council scrapbook, complied by Colleen Christie, Birkenhead: Birkenhead Public Library c1987, pg 2.
  • Bethell, Michelle. "Borrowing’s a breeze with library’s smart system," North Shore Times, 17 May 2005, pg 5.
  • Burn, Peter. 'Letter to editor: Birkenhead development,' New Zealand Herald, 28 Feb 2006, pg ?.
  • Carmichael, Nikki. 'The world's at your fingertips via libraries,' North Shore Times, 3 May 2002.
  • Cervin, Maurice. (ed).(2006). Excellence: New Zealand Education Directory, Wellington: Cervin Publishing Ltd.
  • Christie, Colleen. (1988). Back Then: oral history interviews from the Birkenhead Public Library Collection, Vo1 1-3, Birkenhead: Birkenhead City Council.
  • Christie, Colleen. (1989). Birkenhead: a brief account 1888-1989. Birkenhead: Birkenhead Public Library.
  • Cleghorn, Sharron. "Birkenhead Library and Civic Building project: update March 2007", North Shore City Council, March 2007. Retrieved on 5 March 2007.
  • Denny, A and Cheesman, E. 'Letter to editor: Reading matters,' North Shore Times, 9 Aug 2005, pg 6.
  • Fisher, Muriel and Hilder, Wenman. (1969). Birkenhead: the Kauri Suburb, Birkenhead: Birkenhead Borough Council, pg 101.
  • Glenny, Don. 'Letter to Editor: Libray compromise,' North Shore Times, 26 Jul 2005, pg 8.
  • Graham, Rata.(1992). Birkenhead Library:a history, Birkenhead: North Shore Libraries.
  • Grant, Kirsten. 'Library reconstruction in the doldrums,' Aucklander, 23 Aug 2006, pg 5.
  • Haddon, Kathy. ((1993). Birkenhead: the Way We Were, Birkenhead: North Shore City Council.
  • Jones, Robert. 'Letter to Editor: Library Fiasco,' North Shore Times, 19 Jul 2005, pg 6.
  • Keucke, Helen. 'Letter to editor: Library option,' North Shore Times, 16 Sep 2005, pg 5.
  • Le Bas, Natalia. 'Historic moment in time,' North Shore Times, 9 May 2000, pg 11.
  • Lynch, Haley. 'Library debate hots up,' North Shore Times, 11 Oct 2005, pg 2.
  • McClure, Margaret. (1987).The Story of Birkenhead, Birkenhead: Birkenhead Borough Council.
  • Marsh, Terry. 'Letter to editor: Devoted reader,' North Shore Times, 2 Aug 2005 pg 10.
  • Milne, Graham. Letter to Editor: Library stuff up,' North Shore Times, 4 Apr 2006, pg 7.
  • Norsburgh, Megan. 'Supercity swears in its mayors and councillors,' North Shore Times, 31 Oct 1989, pg 3.
  • North Shore City Council. "Birkenhead Library back on track", North Shore City Council, 23 Sep 2005. Retrieved on 5 March 2007.
  • North Shore City Council. "Unlocking Highbury's potential", North Shore City Council, 29 Aug 2003. Retrieved on 5 March 2007.
  • North Shore City Council. "Libraries bigger than books", North Shore City Council, 18 Apr 2005. Retrieved on 5 March 2007.
  • North Shore City Council. "Library to be built on Nell Fisher reserve", North Shore City Council, 1 Jun 2006. Retrieved on 5 March 2007.
  • North Shore City Council. "Plan change for Birkenhead Library", North Shore City Council, 28 Oct 2005. Retrieved on 5 March 2007.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'A new library on the books,' North Shore Times, 19 Jun 2003, pg 1.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'Birkenhead Library,' North Shore Times, 9 Nov 1949, pg 7.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'Birkenhead Library gets $1m expansion,' North Shore Times, 23 Aug 2001 pg 11.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'Council turns focus to new library plans,' North Shore Times, 2 Aug 2005, pg 4.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'Deadline looms for library plan feedback,' North Shore Times, 22 Feb 2005, pg 11.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'The last word in library service,' North Shore Times, 26 Apr 1968, pg 6.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'Library list of woes make sad reading,' North Shore Times, 10 Jun 2003, pg 1.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'Library surfs the internet,' North Shore Times, 19 Sept 1996, pg 38.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'Manager supports new library for Birkenhead,' North Shore Times, 28 Mar 2002, pg 28.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'New library still a year away,' North Shore Times, 20 Jan 2004, pg 3.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'New page in Birkenhead history,' North Shore Times, 26 Apr 1968, pg 4.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'Surfing in the library,' North Shore Times, 21 Jun 1996, pg 4.
  • North Shore Times (no byline). 'Then and now,' North Shore Times, 26 Apr 1968, pg 5.
  • Prangley, K. 'Letter to Editor: Library claims,' North Shore Times, 30 Aug 2005, pg 10.
  • Reed, Kim. 'Call to open fenced park,' Shore Times, 11 Nov 2005, pg 2.
  • Reed, Kim. 'Deadline looms for library plan feedback,' North Shore Times, 22 Feb 2005, pg 11.
  • Reed, Kim. 'Fears that Council breaching own rules,' North Shore Times, 30 June 2005, pg 1.
  • Reed, Kim. 'Free shuttle bus to temporaray library,' North Shore Times, 19 May 2005, pg 8.
  • Reed, Kim. 'Library plans thrown out,' North Shore Times, 12 July 2005, pg1.
  • Reed, Kim. 'Reserve rezoning appealed,' North Shore Times, 21 Jul 2006, pg 3.
  • Reed, Kim. 'Reserve zone change on the books,' Shore Times, 29 Sept 2005, pg 3.
  • Scott, Clyde. 'Letter to editor: Leave reserve,' North Shore Times, Aug 18 2005, pg 6.
  • Southon, Dorothy. 'Letter to editor: Library woes,' North Shore Times, 4 Aug 2005, pg 7.
  • Statistics New Zealand. (2006) Community Profiles link accessed Feb 2006.
  • Titchener, Paul. (1982). 'The Birkenhead War Memorial,' in Beginnings: a history of the North Shore of Auckland, Auckland: Titchener Publications, Vol 6, pg 45.
  • Titchener, Paul. (1982). 'The naming of Birkenhead,' in Beginnings: a history of the North Shore of Auckland, Auckland: Titchener Publications, Vol 6, pg 35-36.
  • Thompson, Wayne. "Bitter North Shore planning dispute reaches climax", New Zealand Herald, 28 Apr 2006. Retrieved on 3 Mar 2007.
  • Tatler, The (no byline). Untitled ['Has not the time arrived..'], The Tatler: of Birkenhead, Northcote, Glenfield, Albany, &cc, Vol 1, No.1, 17 Feb 1922, pg 6.
  • Thompson, Wayne. 'Bitter North Shore planning dispute reaches climax,' New Zealand Herald, 28 Apr 2006, pg A7.
  • Thompson, Wayne. "Land dispute divides community", New Zealand Herald, Feb 15 2006. Retrieved on 3 Mar 2007.
  • Statistics New Zealand. "Community Profiles", Statistics New Zealand. Retrieved on Feb 2007.
  • Thompson, Wayne. 'Land dispute divides community,' New Zealand Herald, 15 Feb 2006, pg A12.
  • Watson,Ben. "Waiting game for reserve appeal," North Shore Times, Friday June 9 2006, pg 6.
  • White, Jean. 'Report criticises library process,' North Shore Times, 16 Mar 2006, pg 3.
  • Willis, Liz. 'Library project concerns raised,' North Shore Times, 4 May 2006, pg 5.
  • Willis, Liz. 'Library objector presents own plan,' North Shore Times, 4 Oct 2005, pg 2.
  • Willis, Liz. 'Public want their library brought back,' North Shore Times, 2 Nov 2006, pg 4.
  • Wright, Adrienne. 'Letter to editor: Friendly words,' North Shore Times, 23 Mar 2006, pg 7.

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 36°48′29.99″S, 174°43′18.69″E