Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

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The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) is a British Research Council supporting several scientific research institutes and university research departments in the UK. Receiving its funding through the Office of Science and Innovation (formerly the Office of Science and Technology), the BBSRC's responsibility is to increase basic knowledge and understanding in biology and develop biological technology and applications.

The BBSRC's head office is at Polaris House in Swindon; its annual budget was £516 million in financial year 2003/2004. The BBSRC was created in 1994, replacing the earlier Agricultural and Food Research Council (AFRC) and taking over the biological science activities of the former Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC). The BBSRC also manages the joint Research Councils' Office in Brussels - the UK Research Office (UKRO).


[edit] Governance and management

BBSRC is managed by the BBSRC Council consisting of a chairman (currently Dr Peter Ringrose), a chief executive (Professor Julia Goodfellow) and from ten to eighteen representatives from British universities, government and industry. The Council approves policies, strategy, budgets and major funding.

A Strategy Board provides expert advice which the BBSRC Council draws upon in making decisions. The purpose of the Strategy Board is to review and evaluate current research, future opportunities and needs, proposals, and funding issues. It provides expert opinion and judgement.

[edit] Committees and groups

In addition to the Council and Strategy Board, the BBSRC has a series of other internal bodies for specific purposes.

  • Advisory Group - Matters of public concern
  • Audit Committee - Monitors internal control and finance
  • Committee on Studentships and Fellowships - Training awards and fellowships
  • Estates and Equipment Committee - Overview of procurement and management of property
  • Institute Strategic Committee - Management issues for the science institutes
  • Remuneration Committee - Monitors performance of institute directors
  • Scientific Committees - Seven of these award research grants in specific science areas
  • Visiting Groups - Assess institutes

[edit] BBSRC institutes

The Council directly funds seven research institutes in the UK.

Many other research centres have been closed down or sold as the BBSRC consolidated its efforts in fewer, larger science institutes. Those lost include the Letcombe Laboratory, Long Ashton Research Station (LARS - Bristol), the Plant Breeding Institute (PBI - Cambridge), and the Weed Research Organisation (WRO - Oxford). The latest to close was Silsoe Research Institute (SRI - Bedfordshire) in 2006.

[edit] External links