Bina Swadaya

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Bina Swadaya (Yayasan Pengembangan Swadaya Masyarakat) is a large Indonesian NGO focused on development.


[edit] The Beginning

The History of Bina Swadaya could be traced from the existence of Pancasila Farmer Association (IPP), a farmer mass organization established on December 31st, 1958. As an independent organization and non-partisan, IPP focused its activities to improve people welfare, especially poor farmers.

As a dynamic entity adminst the changing era, the management of IPP community development programs with social economic approaches has transformed into the form of Yayasan Sosial Tani Membangun (established on May 24th, 1967) and it eventually became Bina Swadaya.

[edit] The Spirit

Bina Swadaya has formulated its vision: "Increasing quality of life for poor and marginalized people based on equity, justice, solidarity, subsidiary, multiculture, and environmentally sound"

The Vision is developed into the following four mission:

  • Empowering the poor and marginalized people in the aspect of human resource, institutional building, capital and enterprise development.
  • Striving pro poor development policies.
  • Bridging social gap in order to create a fair and just social scructure.
  • Developing self reliance, excellence and sustainable organization.

[edit] Footprints

In performing the mission, Bina Swadaya has conducted many programs in cooperation with various stakeholders who care for the poor:

  • Developing 650,00 community based groups for income generating activities (UPPKS) in collaboration with BKBN.
  • Developing 120,00 Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in collaboration with National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Republic of Indonesia.
  • Developing 60,000 marginal fisherman groups in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Developing Program for Linking Bank and Self-Help Group (PHBK) in collaboration with Bank Indonesia, BRI, and GTZ.
  • Developing Program of Social Forestry in collaboration with Perum Perhutani and the Ford Foundation.
  • Developing Integrated Irrigation Program in collaboration with Ministry of Public Works.

[edit] Pillars of Activity

Bina Swadaya develops 5 major activities:

  • Microfinance Development
  • Civil Society Empowerment
  • Agribusiness Development
  • Promotion of Communication for Development
  • Alternative Tourism Development

[edit] Microfinance Development

Believing that the poor is not "the have not", but "the have little" and the existence of microfinance institutions is an effective strategy to alleviate poverty, Bina Swadaya has been actively promoting microfinance since its establishment through Center for Microfinance Development (PPKM).

PPKM manages Bina Artha Swadaya, a rural banks formed from 4 different rural banks e.g. BPR Tata Arta Swadaya in Kota Gajah, BPR Abdi Arta Swadaya in Subang, BPR Jati Arta Swadaya in Yogyakarta, and BPR Kebomas in Gresik and 14 branch offices for Microfinance Service (PKM), which serve 90 community groups in average or 2,250 households.

[edit] Civil Society Empowerment

Empowering civil society is a big work with various aspects to deal with. The units of Civil Society Empowerment play a significant role in such process:

[edit] Center for Education and Training

Since 1979, the programs of training and workshop conducted by Center for Education and Training (Pusdiklat) have involved more thatn 10,000 participants from various groups. The topics cover among others concept and application in civil society empowerment, human resource development, ecotourism, and fundrising. Pusdiklat is supported by Wisma Hijau, a guest house which is also functioning as a training venue located in Cimanggis-Depok.

For further information about the Center for Education and Training, about their programs, personnel, etc., you can contact Pusdiklat Bina Swadaya.

[edit] Center for Civil Society Studies and Development

Center for Civil Society Studies and Development (PKP) conduct civil society studies and managing Bina Swadaya's Branch Offices which is facilitating self-help groups activities. The coverage area includes the self-help groups scattered in Lampung Province (Kota Gajah and Metro), West Java (Garut and Subang), DKI Jakarta, Central Java (Boyolali, Kebumen, Magelang, Klaten), DI Yogyakarta, East Java (Ngawi), and East Nusa Tenggara (Kafemanu).

For further information about the Center for Civil Society Studies and Development, about their programs, personnel, etc., you can contact PKP Bina Swadaya.

[edit] Bina Swadaya Consultant

Bina Swadaya Consultant is actively working for consultancy in partnership with various private agencies, government, and international organization. The consultancy services include agricultural sector, fishery, marine, forestry, plantation, mining, health, population, social economy, and regional infrastructure development. Bina Swadaya Consultant is supported by more than 30 organic full timer staffs and 100 associate consultant.

For further information about the Bina Swadaya Consultant, about their programs, personnel, etc., you can contact Bina Swadaya Consultant.

[edit] Agribusiness Development

Agribusiness is the fast growing sector in Indonesia. Bina Swadaya has been responding the high demand through PT. Niaga Swadaya (established in 2001). Niaga Swadaya is supported by 9 agricultural stores and 5 representative office in Surabaya-East Java, Ungaran-Central Java, Medan-North Sumatra, Palembang-South Sumatra, and Yogyakarta.

Besides providing Bina Swadaya's internal products such as Trubus magazine and agricultural books, PT. Niaga Swadaya also develops franchise system for the agricultural stores. Various agricultural commodities include ornamental plants, seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, and gardening services.

For further information about the Agribusiness Development held by PT. Niaga Swadaya, you can contact PT. Niaga Swadaya.

[edit] Promotion of Communication for Development

Living amidst a developing country, Bina Swadaya realized that knowledge and information are the needs to be fulfilled. Disseminating knowledge and information in the country is a valuable contribution for empowering the community. For this purpose, Binaswadaya is encouraged to promote the publishing and printing units:

[edit] PT. Trubus Swadaya

The Scarcity of printing information especially on agriculture in Indonesia inspired Bina Swadaya to publish Trubus Magazine in 1969. Achieving the sales of 65,000 copies in 2004, trubus strives for being a leading centre for agricultural information and offering various services such as agricultural library, training, CD and VCD.

[edit] PT. Penebar Swadaya

Established since 1980, PT. Penebar Swadaya has became a market leader for agricultural books in Indonesia. Up to the end of 2004, PT. Penebar Swadaya has published 1,000 titles. The book of "Buah Merah" is reprinted 5 times for 31,000 copies within 6 months and becoming the best seller in 2005. Presently it has also penetrated the segment of text book readers, management, and applied technology.

[edit] PT. Puspa Swara

The youngest publishing unit at Bina Swadaya (established in 1991) has published 500 titles up to the end of 2004. PT. Puspa Swara focuses on publishing skill books, health, and language. One of its achievement is publishing the book and VCD on Pedoman Pijat Bayi (Guidance for Baby Massage) which were sold over 40,000 copies in 2004.

[edit] PT. Percetakan Penebar Swadaya

Supported by 2 printing units in East Jakarta, PT. Percetakan Penebar Swadaya could present 5,5 million copies of books and magazines per year and 1,4 million sheets of other printed materials such as callendar, brochures, leaflets, etc. per year. In line with the motto "Not Just Printing", the printing house established in 1982 provides consultancy services to enable the best quality printing at the competitive price, one roof service from pre-pringing to delivery, and also a capital collaborative based on mutual benefits.

[edit] Alternative Tourism Development

Believing that Indonesia's future also lies in tourism sector and trusting that community-based tourism could be an entry point for community empowerment, Bina Swadaya established Bina Swadaya Tours in 1987.

Bina Swadaya Tours promotes tourism services featuring the character of culture, education, and development. The segment of development tourism is mostly known as "alternative tourism" (in the country and overseas), international exposure on culture and development, ticketing, transportation, and travel documents.

[edit] External links

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