User:Billy hentenaar
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The Billy Hentennaar is a savage beast located in the southwestern tip of every jungle in the world. It is about 11'5 and can swim from continent to continent without tiring. It has long, brown, curly fur located on the top of its head and a short prickly beard. Their peircing blue eyes can see through wood and other common jungle materials. Recent sightings have been happening in Brazil and it has been rumored that the Billy Hentenaar is reproducing at an alarming rate. These creatures will live long past the human life expectancy and reproduce with one litter every 15 years. Due to global warming, though, that might change. The Billy Hentenaar is sensitive to climate changes and due to climbing temperatures will start breeding faster.
What should you do if you come across a Billy Hentenaar? If you do come across a Billy Hentenaar, there is nothing you can do. Billy Hentenaars can and will kill anything in their path, unless you are carrying a bag of Doritos. Three people have been lucky enough to survive because they have had a pack of Doritos. One of the survivors said," No one can imagine how horrible the creature was. He said i will die unless i had a pack of Doritos, and i handed them to him. Then he picked me up on his back and swam me across the Pacific Ocean in a matter of minutes and dropped me off in America." You cannot argue your way out of inevitable death if you meet a Billy Hentenaar. They have superior linguistic skills far ahead of humans. They might even get you to agree that you should die. If you fight it will be in vain. In a matter of seconds the Billy Hentenaar will either devour you, set you aflame with his fire breathing, ask you for a pack of Doritos, or give you a round-house kick to the face. Never try to run if you see a Billy Hentenaar. It will only anger him and he will hunt you down. Billy Hentenaars can reach speeds up to 8887 mph on land and have been clocked swimming across oceans by satellites going 9991 mph.
A History of the Billy Hentenaar. The earliest known recording of the Billy Hentenaar comes from cave drawings in the Horse Caves in Kentucky dated over thousands of years ago when the American state was still in a tropical climate. The drawing shows men running in fear from a huge figure and fire. The next drawing over shows the huge figure eating all the men. The early Chinese poem "Shing Jhi" describes the havoc wreaked on the tiny little villages. Ancient bodies found in Rome have been shown to be burned by the unique flames of the Billy Hentenaar. Recently, the government has been raging secret wars trying to kill the Billy Hentenaar. It has been a fruitless attempt. You cannot ever kill a Billy Hentenaar with guns, fire, bombs, tanks, or any otehr violent means. The only way to kill them is to convince it to touch its belly button or Adam's Apple. Several attemps have been made to do that but have only worked once to a child Billy Hentenaar that was unwise and unfit to kill the human. That human was Albert Einstien. Now the Billy Hentenaars work in pairs to keep the young safe. In the year 2003, the Billy Hentenaar got into an arguement with the Lockness Monster. Unfortunatly for Ole' Bessie, the Billy Hentenaar slayed it five months later after the monster's end of the bargain was not held.