User:Big Boss Ocelot

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[edit] Profile

Quote:"Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies." -Maynard James Keenan
Me with my old band Unseen Vision.
Me with my old band Unseen Vision.

[edit] Self Descriptiopn

Well to put it simply; I am still learning how this new type of coding works, so bare with me haha. I'm 25; from New Jersey, Music & Melody; Bass guitar (Currently studying methods by Justin Chancellor), and singing. I'm a sucker for a harmonic type style of music like TOOL. But other then that I'm pretty much your normal guy, who is also a music / video game / Computer Geek. I like hanging out and discussing music and philosophy, going to parks and playing manhunt or frisbee. I don't mind the occasional party, as long as things don't get out of hand. Aside from all of those, I enjoy soaking up information like a spunge; and writing articles I find to be unwritten on the wikipedia. I have run into some trouble in the past and had an article deleted, but after the rules were explained to me by other wikipedians and otherwise very patient people; problems were resolved and I have a better understanding for the rules then I did the first day I joined. I enjoy this site more then myspace, mostly because it is almost entirely based on facts; and it is not one big social disease of a popularity contest! If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hi; say it in the discussion section.

[edit] Equipment

To My knowledge they are both the (Head=Equalizer), (Cab=1x15 (Meaning one 15" speaker)) top and bottom parts to the makeup of a "stack" or "half-stack", yet I do not see them in Wikipedia. Any information leading to the possibility of such termenology in these items will be greately appretiated, so I do not go to the trouble of creating articles; when they are in fact somewhere else.

[edit] Current Projects

[edit] Music

[edit] Articles

[edit] Discussion & Disputes

  • Lyme Disease
    • Personally appauled that this article is a dispute.

[edit] Friend's

Project X, a tribute to friends.
Project X, a tribute to friends.
Original Project Y, a tribute to friends.
Original Project Y, a tribute to friends.
Most of my firends remember the first Tribute picture, it can still be viewed below the first one.
Well I've decided once again to pay tribute to all of my friends. Brother's and Sister's are the people you 'call' family. Blood or not, these are the ones I 'call' my brother's and Sister's; past lovers or old crushes, just friends or even someone I worked with. These are the people who had an impact on my life, big or small it, does not matter. And this, is my family. These are my real Heroes; my friends, not some super hero with some supernatural powers. These are the people who make my life worth living. Don't ever lose sight of your goals, but at the same time never lose sight of a friend. I came into this world crying while everyone was smiling; live your life so when you die, you are the one smiling.

[edit] Well Respected Wikipedians

AvB ±

[edit] Sign

My friends & other wikipedians are allowed to edit this section as they please, as long as they sign with their first name followed by ~~~~ (Click on the edit button, next to Sign.)

[edit] Dana

Yes! First to sign! Aw, I feel so loved Cory. Even though we were friends for about a year, you're an awesome friend. We have a lot in common and enjoy the same music. Since I'm much younger than you, I look up to you as an older brother-like figure. I am very fortunate to have you as a friend. We definitely have to chill more. Thank you for being my friend! 01:00, 9 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] General Interests

[edit] Bands

[edit] Favored Musicians

[edit] Video Games

[edit] Computer Games

I will list computer games at a later date, I literally have thousands.

[edit] Playstation

[edit] Playstation 2

[edit] Xbox

[edit] DVD's / Movie's

[edit] Art

[edit] Characteristics of Art

There follow some generally accepted characteristics of art; after this there is a more lengthy discussion of several of those facets perceived as universal or central to art:

  • encourages an intuitive understanding rather than a rational understanding, as, for example, with an article in a scientific journal;
  • was created with the intention of evoking such an understanding, or an attempt at such an understanding, in the audience;
  • was created with no other purpose or function other than to be itself (a radical, "pure art" definition);
  • elusive, in that the work may communicate on many different levels of appreciation; one may take the example of Gericault's Raft of the Medusa, in the case of which special knowledge concerning the shipwreck the painting depicts is not a prerequisite to appreciating it, but allows the appreciation of Gericault's political intentions in the piece;
  • in relation to the above, the piece may offer itself to many different interpretations, or, though it superficially depicts a mundane event or object, invites reflection upon elevated themes;
  • demonstrates a high level of ability or fluency within a medium; this characteristic might be considered a point of contention, since many modern artists (most notably, conceptual artists) do not themselves create the works they conceive, or do not even create the work in a conventional, demonstrative sense (one might think of Tracey Emin's controversial My Bed);
  • the conferral of a particularly appealing or aesthetically satisfying structure or form upon an original set of unrelated, passive constituents.

Portal Art Wikiportal
Picture of the day
Louis Agassiz statue

A statue of Louis Agassiz, a Swiss-American geologist, after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, on the campus of Stanford University. It is said that when the earthquake struck, "[the statue of] Agassiz stuck his head underground to find out what was going on in the earth below and with his finger pointing saying, 'Hark! Listen!'"

Photo credit: USGS
Archive - More featured pictures...

[edit] Personal Artwork