Big Brother 7 (US)

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Big Brother US
Big Brother: All Stars
Season 7 (2006)

Big Brother 7: All-Stars was the seventh season of Big Brother USA, and aired on CBS during the summer of 2006. It started on July 6, 2006.[1] Julie Chen continued as host of this season as she has in previous seasons.


[edit] Format

CBS aired a preview episode on June 21, 2006, offering twenty former contestants from past seasons as candidates for this season.[1] After the preview show, internet voting opened to the public with the promise that the top six vote getters would enter the house and another six would be chosen by the producers. On the first episode, Julie Chen announced that due to the high volume of voting, CBS decided to admit the top four male and top four female vote-getters, as well as six producer-chosen contestants, bringing the total cast from twelve to fourteen. The premiere episode scored 7.69 million viewers, down from last year's average for the show.

The competition was similar to the recent prior seasons, with Head of Household (HoH) and Golden Power of Veto competitions, houseguests being nominated for eviction, and one member of the cast being voted out of the house by his remaining peers each week. An early twist, announced on the premiere show, was the double HoH position. A new Coup d'etat feature of the competition was announced at the end of the August 3 episode, in which houseguests can possibly take away the Head of Household power from the current holder by replacing his or her nominations at a moment's notice. The winner of this power, Mike Malin, only had 3 evictions to use it; however, he could not use it in the end, as he opted not to use the power for two weeks, and became the Head of Household the third week. The last remaining HouseGuest wins $500,000. The runner-up receives $50,000. It was also revealed after the finalists had been determined that a member of the Jury, as decided by America, will win an additional prize of $25,000, in a contest similar to Survivor: America's Tribal Council.

Companion internet talk show House Calls returned for this season. Former co-anchor Marcellas Reynolds was a contestant this season, so co-anchor Gretchen Massey hosted the show with a new guest each week. Each Friday, the evicted houseguest appeared on the show. Similar to earlier seasons of the show, 24/7 feeds were available for a small fee[2] on CBS' webpage.

Additionally, a package was introduced this season. Fans could text a code to a number displayed during the show to become "Mobile Pack" subscribers. For a small fee, they would receive daily video and text alerts about events in the house as well as exclusive "Diary Room" interview footage not available anywhere else. They also were able to download ringtones and wallpapers for their phones.

[edit] Airing

Big Brother 7: All-Stars officially started airing on July 6, 2006. This year, twenty previous houseguests were eligible to enter the all new Big Brother house. Since June 21 of the same year, CBS had announced that twelve houseguests would enter the house: three men and three women chosen by America, and three men and three women chosen by the show's producers.

[edit] The House

This year's house's theme is "A House of Extremes". There are large neon flames in the lounge, gothic design features such as gargoyles, and in one bedroom, there is a tarantula cage. For the first time, the house has a billiards table. Definitions of the words love, hate, alliance, trust, honesty, deceit and loyalty are printed on the walls. The house keeps last year's two-story idea, with a large Head of Household room whose decor changes with its occupant. The spy screen has also been saved, though there has not been much discussion of its use or usefulness. Famous Big Brother artifacts hang on the walls, such as Hardy's toothbrush, with which Shannon scrubbed the toilet in Season 2, the Power of Veto Marcellas did not use in season 3, the "X statue" from season 4, Howie's lightsaber from season 6, the shirt of the mime from season four, and the nomination keys of all the previous winners (a key for Eddie McGee was produced especially for the display because there were never any keys during the inaugural season).

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Houseguests

Big Brother: All-Stars featured fourteen houseguests entering the Big Brother house on Day 1. This season saw the earliest eviction of any housemate, Alison Irwin, who was in the house for only 11 days.

[edit] Competitions

Title Day Played For Winner(s)
Falling Stars Day 1 HoH Jase & Janelle
One Man's Trash is
Another Man's Veto
Day 5 Veto Janelle
Alison Rules Day 11 HoH Kaysar
Slop Til You Drop Day 12 Food Jase, Mike, Will, Erika, Diane & George
Big Brother Golf Day 13 Veto Erika
Pay Attention Day 18 HoH James
Holey Moley Day 19 Food All
How Badly Do You Want It? Day 20 Veto George
Define & Dismiss Day 25 HoH Janelle
Food Fight Day 25 Food James, Kaysar, Howie, Danielle & Mike
Torture Test Day 27 Veto Mike
Pit Stop Day 28 Movie Night Danielle, Diane, James, Janelle, Mike, and Will
Caught in a Web Day 32 HoH Danielle
Prizes James, Marcellas, Mike
Grave Mistakes Day 34 Veto Janelle
Prizes James, Marcellas, Mike, Will
The Ghosts of Seasons Past Day 39 HoH Erika (tech problem), Janelle (redo)
Reap What You Sow Day 39 Coup d'état Mike
Big Brother Bakery Day 40 Food All
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Veto Day 41 Veto Danielle
Prom Superlatives Day 46 HoH George
Gnome is Where the Veto Is Day 46 Veto James
Revenge of the Gnomes Day 47 HoH Mike
Doll Sacrifice Day 48 Veto Janelle
But First Day 53 HoH Erika
The Birds & the Bees Day 54 Food All
Luxuries All
Two Faced Day 55 Veto Janelle
Battle of the Sexes Day 60 HoH Janelle
I'm Knots About Veto Day 60 Veto Erika
Big Brother Bowl Day 60 HoH Mike
When the Stars Align Day 62 Veto Janelle
Mount HoH Day 65 HoH Part 1 Erika
Fly By Night Day 66 HoH Part 2 Mike
Car Mike
Jury Statements Day 67 HoH Part 3 Mike

[edit] Chronology

[edit] Week 1

On Day 1, however, the houseguests were given the first twist of the season: Two extra houseguests would enter the house, bringing the total of houseguests to fourteen. First, the top four women that the viewers chose entered the house (Janelle, Erika, Nakomis, and Diane). Next, the top four men that the public had chosen were announced; Howie, Kaysar, James, and Jase. The six houseguests chosen by the producers was announced, this time four men and two women (Will, Danielle, Marcellas, Alison, Mike, and George). The six non houseguests were Bunky, Monica, Ivette, Dana, Lisa, and "Cowboy" Michael.

The second twist of the season was announced when the houseguests gathered in the lounge for the first Head of Household competition - there would be two Heads of Household for the first week. The HoHs would share the position's privileges, but they also had the responsibility of nominating two houseguests for eviction. If the two HoHs failed to agree on the nominees, their privileges would be stripped of them, and they would be up for eviction instead. The two shared the HoH room and had to agree on which two houseguests to nominate.

The first competition was called "Falling Stars". Seven of the houseguests took turns swinging a boulder attached to a rope at the seven houseguests standing on pedestals situated on a giant rotating wheel. A houseguest was eliminated upon falling off the pedestal. The last houseguest remaining on a pedestal in each of the two heats, Jase and Janelle, won the competition. Prior to nominations, Danielle and Alison came up with the idea that if Jase were to not agree with Janelle, she would be put up and get voted out because of her alliance and skill. However, Jase decided that "taking yourself from the most powerful position to the weakest position was the dumbest thing you could do." Because of Alison's and Danielle's scheming, they were placed on the block, completing the HoH's assignment.

On Day 5, contestants played in the Power of Veto competition. The Heads of Household, Jase and Janelle, as well as the nominees, Alison and Danielle, and the randomly chosen Kaysar and George competed in the challenge entitled "One Man's Trash is Another Man's Veto". The six players had to dig through trash heaps made of props from prior seasons while covered in fish chum and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Janelle, the victor, opted not to veto her own nominations, leaving Alison and Danielle up for the vote.

By a vote of 8-2, Alison was the first contestant evicted from Big Brother: All-Stars on Day 11. The Season Six alliance and their friends (Marcellas and Erika) voted to keep Danielle over Alison, believing that Alison was a bigger threat in competitions. Some also felt that they could not trust Alison because she lied and backstabbed so much during Big Brother 4. Those against Season Six wanted to keep Alison, but they didn't have the numbers to evict Danielle. According to Mike in his goodbye message to Alison, it appeared that he tried to save her from eviction, but the tide turned at the last minute. Will and Mike changed their votes to evict Alison, leaving Diane and Nakomis to be the only two to vote to evict Danielle. Diane and Nakomis both felt that Alison would draw all the attention to her and off of their alliance.

[edit] Week 2

In the Head of Household competition, "Alison Rules", contestants guessed Alison's answers to true or false questions. Kaysar was crowned the new HoH, much to Alison's disdain. The houseguests later competed in a food competition "Slop Till You Drop" where they discovered the replacement for PB&J sandwiches: Big Brother Slop -- a horrible tasting, ugly, oatmeal-like slop with all the nutrients the contestants would need. For the food competition the contestants were divided into two teams of three pairs each. Each pair were tied to each other and had to bob for fake rats in troughs of slop. The team with the most rats after the time limit won the competition. The losing team would have to suffer eating "slop" for the entire week. The winners of the food competition were as follows: Diane, Mike, George, Jase, Will, and Erika. The losers were: Danielle, Howie, James, Nakomis, Janelle, and Marcellas. Kaysar was exempt from the "slop" week because he was the current HoH.

On Day 12, after promising Will and Mike that he planned on weeding out the floaters, Kaysar nominated Season Five's Diane and Nakomis.

On Day 13, the "Big Brother Golf Classic" Power of Veto competition was played. This competition involved the houseguests hitting oversized foam golf balls with oversized golf clubs on an oversized green. Erika won the Golden Power of Veto, but abstained from using it to save either Diane or Nakomis. This is second time in a row that the Golden Power of Veto was not used. Erika decided that she did not want to use the Golden Power of Veto because she did not want to "stir the pot."[3]

On Day 18, Nakomis became the second person evicted from the Big Brother house by 8 to 2. Only Janelle and Will voted to evict Diane. However, Jase did not join in saying goodbye to Nakomis, reasoning "I don't have to kiss her ass and act like I care that she is leaving, she is not on the Jury."

[edit] Week 3

The third HoH competition was called "Pay Attention." Prior to the competition, the houseguests were shown still frame pictures from notable moments of the season. During the competition, then were asked very specific questions about the pictures. After a tie breaker between James and Danielle, James won HoH for his first time.

On Day 19, the housemates paired up in their second food competition, "Holey Moley." The aim was to maneuver a bowling ball up an inclined playing field while trying to avoid holes. The course was split into four levels: slop, veggies and beer, bread and kumquats, and meats. If a pair's ball fell into a hole, all houseguests could only have the food the ball had passed on the pair's assigned day. However, in the middle of the meat section was a "Slop Spoiler." If the ball fell in the "Slop Spoiler" at the top of the course, the entire house could only eat slop for the day. If the two people could get the ball to the top of the playing field, the house would get a catered feast for the assigned day. Four pairs won feasts. Danielle and Will only won veggies, beer, bread, and kumquats. Marcellas and Janelle only won veggies and beer.

On Day 20, James nominated George and Will for eviction. James said that he was playing the game for himself and that Big Brother was not a team game. George took being nominated personally and said that James thought he was the head rooster but the colonel was right around the corner.

On Day 21, James, George, Will, Mike, Kaysar, and Jase competed in the "How Bad Do You Want It?" veto competition. After accomplishing the unpleasant tasks of eating a bowl of slop, removing and burning his clothing, letting other housemates write on his body, dipping into a bathtub filled with blueberry juice (and subsequently being "dyed" blue), giving up his chance to play in the veto competition the following week, shaving his head, and deciding to eat slop for sixty days (the rest of his stay in the house), George won the Golden Power of Veto.[4]

On Day 22, the day of the veto ceremony, Kaysar informed Jase that the Season six alliance were going to put him up in George's place. Jase lashed out and threw a huge tantrum (and a few table items). He then did everything in his power to turn the house against each other, particularly against Marcelles, who he accused of playing both sides. He also called out James' honesty, claiming he had backdoored him. This was interrupted by George entering the backyard and saying that it was time for the Veto Ceremony. Will gave what started out as a very heartfelt speech about why he was acting different this season as opposed to Season two, saying there were a lot of people that he hated in Season 2, then concluded he hated them all on the current season too provoking the others to evict him or throw every competition. George followed up with a heartfelt monologue as to why he loved being there. George vetoed his nomination, causing James to nominate Jase as a replacement.

On Day 25, the two nominees were given a chance to give a last word. Will apologized for saying he hated everyone, and that he meant to say "strongly disliked." By a unanimous vote of 9-0, Jase was evicted from the house. After getting a bit choked up, he said he only wanted Diane and Danielle to walk him to the door. As he left the house, he promised to return in a few weeks. When host Julie Chen brought up the "Mr. and Mrs. Smith Alliance", a possible secret pre-planned alliance between Jase and Diane, Jase only said, "I can't comment on that right now."

[edit] Week 4

After Jase's eviction, the "Define and Dismiss" Head of Household competition was held. The houseguests were quizzed about the definitions of words written on the walls in the house. Janelle won the competition and was crowned Head of Household for the second time in the season.

On Day 26, Janelle nominated Erika and Mike for eviction, saying that Erika was only a pawn and that she just didn't like Mike. She later admitted to only wanting a floater out of the game, due to the fact that there were so many floaters. After these nominations, every contestant outside the Season six alliance had at one point been nominated, except for Marcellas, who is a close friend of Janelle.

On Day 27, starting at midnight, the housemates were awakened by fans' wake-up calls every 15 minutes as the result of an America's Choice poll. In the early hours of the morning, the Power of Veto competition saw Mike, Erika, Janelle, Diane, Howie, and Will competing in the game "Torture Test". The challenge involved reading words backwards while being subjected to various torture devices such as, nightcrawlers, blindfolds, neckbraces, and blaring music. Mike correctly guessed three phrases and won the Veto.

On Day 29, Mike used the Power of Veto on himself, and Janelle replaced him with Diane. This caused controversy among the members of Janelle's alliance, especially James. They had hoped that Will would be the replacement. They also caught Janelle in a lie: Janelle told her alliance she did not want Will and Mike to win the Power of Veto, but she had told Howie prior to the competition that she did not want Diane or Erika to win. This caused James to lash out at Janelle, saying in the DR that he was "done with Season Six". He then formed an alliance with Danielle, Will, and Mike called "Legion of Doom". Most members of the house saw this as the first fracture in the Season six alliance.

On Day 32, Diane was evicted from the Big Brother House by a vote of 7 to 1. Only Will voted against Erika in the hopes of "stirring the pot."

[edit] Week 5

Minutes after Diane's eviction, the Head of Household competition "Caught in a Web" saw the housemates hanging in a rope web above the backyard, with the houseguest who hung on the longest winning. In order to spice up the precedings, Big Brother gave the first five housemates eliminated from the competition a chance to open one of five eggs, three of which had prizes inside, while the other two were "rotten". Within 15 minutes, Will, employing the "Will Strategy," "fell" off the web to claim an egg – however, he was disappointed to choose a rotten egg. Kaysar "won" the other rotten egg, while James won the right to nullify someone's eviction vote, Marcellas won a pass exempting him from eating slop for one week (which he later gave to George), and Mike won $10,000. After two hours on the web, Danielle convinced Howie and Erika to both drop out by promising not to nominate them.

On Day 33, Danielle put up James as a pawn alongside Janelle. She believed James to be the only houseguest who could take the veto away from Janelle and also wanted to continue hiding from the rest of the house that they were in a secret alliance together.

On Day 34, Janelle won the Power of Veto in the "Grave Mistakes" competition, but gave up her right to compete in the veto competition the following week. Danielle had tried everything in her power to beat Janelle, even accepting a 24-hour solitary confinement to gain points. When Danielle came out of solitary, Chill Town strategically decided to go after Marcellas as Janelle's replacement, believing that putting Kaysar "on the block" would cause S6 to go after them. Will sold James on the idea put up Marcellas then James took the idea to Danielle. Janelle used the Power of Veto to remove herself from nomination. Danielle chose Kaysar anyway and ruined Chill Town's plans as she decided to continue with the removal of S6. Kaysar was evicted by a vote of 5 to 1, excluding Janelle's vote against James, which he nullified.

[edit] Week 6

On Day 39, after Kaysar's eviction, the sixth Head of Household competition took place. The houseguests were given true/false questions about a mock séance which took place on Day 38. The houseguests who either answered the question incorrectly (or were slowest when everyone answered correctly) were eliminated from the competition. Erika was the quickest to answer the final question correctly and beat out James to win Head of Household for Week 6. Immediately after her win, however, the houseguests were informed that there would be a "new power" for which they were competing. They were not told that it was the "Coup d'Etat" and that the winner would overthrow the Head of Household and change the nominations to his or her liking, after the veto. During the week, the houseguests will be presented various clues describing a common Big Brother phrase. When a houseguest thinks they have discovered the phrase, they must say what they think it is in the diary room, however they only have one chance and they will not know whether or not they were correct until the eviction ceremony, when they will also be told what the power is. The first clue was a sheep with a pink bow, which was roaming the house when they reentered it after learning of the new competition.

Technical difficulties in the original Head of Household competition (buttons not working correctly) required it to be repeated. The second Head of Household competition took place at approximately 10:50 p.m. PDT – five hours after the original competition – using mechanical wheels, answering A or B for questions, similarly to the original competition. Like all HoH competitions, it was hosted by Julie Chen. The final two Houseguests remaining were Mike and Janelle, and this time, Janelle was crowned the new Head of Household, for the third time this season. After winning, she celebrated profusely with Howie, repeatedly invoking the name of the just evicted Kaysar. CBS sanctioned the re-do HoH competition to avoid any questions about the validity of the BB game.

On Day 40, Janelle nominated Danielle and Erika for eviction. She explained to Danielle that, because Danielle nominated her and her allies in the previous week, Janelle had no choice but to retaliate. She told Erika that she very much liked her, but despised her gameplay. Erika has since revealed that she is in the alliance of Chill Town, as she is involved in a "show-mance" relationship with Mike.

On Day 41, Danielle won the Power of Veto named "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Veto", and Janelle complained that the other participants in the veto competition had handed it to her because neither Janelle nor Howie were competing. (Howie was not chosen to compete in this veto, and Janelle had given up rights to compete the week before in the veto competition). Will went to Janelle to convince her to put up Marcellas in place of Danielle. Janelle refused saying that it would make Marcellas cry. Will said that her refusal would make him cry and asked if he cried, would she put Marcellas up in place of Danielle. She said yes. Will cried producing real tears.

On Day 43, Danielle used the Power of Veto to take herself off of the nomination block. Janelle replaced her with Marcellas, although she stated that her intention was for Erika to be evicted.

Discussions between houseguests seen on the live feeds indicated that Will and Mike believed Mike won the Coup d'Etat guessing "You reap what you sow."

On Day 46, prior to the live eviction episode that week, Mike was revealed as the winner of the Coup d'Etat. Mike had the option for the next three evictions on whether or not he wished to use the power to overthrow the Head of Household. However, he could not tell the others that he had won nor could he inform them of what the power did. Marcellas was then evicted that night in a 6-0 vote when Mike chose not to use the power that week. Marcellas became the first member on the jury of seven and entered the "sequester" house.

[edit] Week 7

Later on Day 46, after Marcellas's eviction, George went on to win Head of Household. This was the first time that George had won HoH. The housemates were then informed of Big Brother's latest twist -- this week would be a double eviction week. George was then asked to immediately nominate two housemates for eviction. With a shocked look, he announced James and Erika as this week's first set of nominees. George was approached by Howie and Janelle and told Janelle that James was campaigning against her. Later the same night the veto competition was held and James won it. George was approached by Mike, James, Danielle, and Erika and asked to backdoor Janelle, but George refused to, saying that he couldn't put up such an excellent player that way. Will approached George and told him to put himself (Will) up for eviction, but Will didn't tell Mike about this, so when George said just before the veto ceremony that he was going to put up Will, Mike got into a heated discussion with the rest of the houseguests and implicitly threatened George with the Coup D'Etat. During this discussion it became apparent to Janelle that Chilltown was not on her side.

On day 47, James took himself off the block, and a very stressed out George decided to put a very angry Howie up for eviction. Howie was evicted from the house, by a vote of 3-2 (Will, Mike, and Danielle voted to evict Howie, Janelle and James voted to evict Erika). Howie's eviction nearly caused a fight between Howie and Mike. As Howie was leaving the house he grabbed Mike's hat and threw it into the other room, Mike said in a sarcastic tone, "There goes a real class act," Howie responded by calling Mike a "punk". James kept the two apart then Howie left the house. In Howie's interview with Julie Chen he stated that he believes that George nominated him because Mike threatened George into nominating him. Howie will be the second person on the jury. Later that night Mike went on to win HoH for the first time.

On Day 48, Mike lost his Coup d'Etat power, because it was only valid through 3 eviction ceremonies. However many subscribers to the 24/7 feeds believe that Mike lost his Coup d'Etat power because he told other houseguests, namely his Chilltown alliance partner Dr. Will, of his power, a rule the producers said he must not break. Mike had said himself that producers had cameramen follow his every move and record his every conversation to ensure the secrecy of his then newfound, but now lost, power. Mike then went on to nominate James and Janelle for eviction, but told Janelle that they would help her win the veto. Janelle went on to win the power of veto, upsetting James (Janelle's former alliance member and Danielle's secret alliance member).

On Day 49, at the veto ceremony, Mike nominated George as a pawn in order to get James out. In the end with a hesitant Danielle and nervous James, Mike's plan worked and James left by a vote of 3 to 1. When evicted he had nothing to say on anything in the house, repeating that his original alliance betrayed him and most of "The Legion Of Doom" did the same. Also it appeared that the Chilltown alliance was in trouble, Will supported Janelle and didn't trust Erika, but Mike didn't trust Janelle and had been having a "showmance" with Erika and believed he could trust her. Meanwhile at the jury house, Marcellas stated that he was glad to have a whole week by himself at the jury house. The day before Howie moved in, Marcellas said his worst nightmare would be if Howie was evicted and he had to stay with him at the jury house. That nightmare came true the next day when Howie walked through the jury house's front door. He showed Marcellas the tape of Howie's eviction, and Marcellas thought that Howie's bad sportsmanship was offensive. Howie kept calling Marcellas "Marcy" and when Marcellas told him to stop calling him that Howie said, "sorry Marjealous".

[edit] Week 8

On Day 53, Erika won the HoH competition called "But First," in honor of one of Julie Chen's most-used phrases. She then quietly whispered to Danielle, that she was safe for the week and there was nothing to worry about. Julie Chen also announced on that day's live television episode that two people would be evicted on August 31.

On Day 54, Erika nominated Janelle and George for eviction, in hopes of using George as a pawn to evict Janelle from the house. Also, the houseguests competed in a food competition that resulted in them not having vegetables, fruit, bread, or dairy for the week, but earned George a slop pass, allowing him to eat normal food for the week. They also chose to accept one day on slop in order to receive a trampoline, and accepted another day on slop to have "Christmas in August."

On Day 55, Janelle won the Power of Veto competition, called "Two Faced", for the second week in a row, again gaining the ability to save herself from eviction.

On Day 56, Erika told Danielle that she was going to put her up on the block, upsetting Danielle immensely. Since Erika had betrayed her, Danielle talked at length of how hurt she was and told Erika that she wouldn't vote for her to win the game. Also, the houseguests were visited by actor Neil Patrick Harris, who brought them their presents for "Christmas in August." Will was especially excited about Neil's visit because he had talked at length before about being a big fan of the actor and his show, How I Met Your Mother.

On Day 57, Janelle used the Power of Veto to take herself off of the chopping block and Erika chose to nominate Danielle in her place. An excited Will and Mike assured George that he would not be going anywhere for the time being.

On Day 60, on the live show, Danielle was evicted by a unanimous vote of 3 to 0 and became the fourth member of the Jury. Janelle won the HoH Competition, called "Battle of the Sexes", answering 8 out of 8 questions correctly. She then put up George and Erika up for eviction. Erika won the Power of Veto competition, called "I'm Knots about Veto", and took herself off the block. Janelle put up Mike as Erika's replacement. George left the house by a vote of 2-0, becoming the fifth member of the Jury. On House Calls, Gretchen Massey told George that Kentucky Fried Chicken was giving him free chicken for a year, which of course he was very excited about.

[edit] Week 9

On Day 60, Mike won the Head of Household position in a competition called "Big Brother Bowl" to start Week 9. This was not shown on the live Thursday night show like it typically is because of the double eviction day, but was shown on Sunday's episode. In a surprising turn of events, Mike, Will, and Janelle discussed how to approach Erika about evicting her this week. Erika still believed that Janelle was going after Chilltown, and Chilltown wanted Erika to continue believing that these were Janelle's objectives.

On Day 61, Mike put Janelle and Erika on the block for eviction. Also, Janelle and Will got into a heated argument about Janelle's attitude, and Will claimed that she was "stubborn" and "crazy." Janelle said that Will was just using her in the game, and wasn't a true friend. This argument continued throughout the day in the bathroom and in the hot tub. Although an apology was made by both parties, they began arguing again right after their apologies.

On Day 62, in a late night competition called "When the Stars Align, Janelle won her fifth Power of Veto, yet again giving her the power to take herself off the block.

On Day 63, Erika and Will both campaigned for Janelle's vote. Erika claimed that Will had talked negatively about Janelle behind her back, while Will claimed that Erika was just desperate. Janelle clearly had not made up her mind on the matter. She thought that she could beat Erika and Mike, but not Will; she also felt like she would be an outcast no matter who was evicted.

On Day 64, the night before the penultimate eviction, Janelle and Erika compared notes regarding Chilltown's deception. The girls made a deal for Janelle to vote out Will the next evening, and for one of them to win the final HOH and vote out Mike, in order to be the last two standing. At the Jury House George showed up and right away Howie began to call George names. At first George put up with the name calling, but when he showed the group his eviction DVD Howie wouldn't stop with the name calling, so George told him to shut up which led to Howie and George into heated argument. The other jury members stated that they are tired of Howie's childish ways. After the argument James thanked George for acting like an adult by not stepping down to Howie's level with name calling.

On Day 65, Janelle used the final veto to save herself forcing Mike to put up Will. Then, Janelle, the only houseguest who could vote, evicted Will who had never been evicted before. The final three are Janelle, Erika, and Mike. In Erika's goodbye video to Will she told him that the "Jig was up" and that he and Mike were "found out" about "Operation Double Date" * (see item below), she also said that she hopes Howie doesn't hurt Will too bad at the Jury House.

  • refers to finding out that Chilltown was playing both Erica and Janelle; not that they discovered that Chilltown referred to the operation as "Operation Double Date".

On Day 65, immediately following Will's eviction, the final HoH competition began. The first part, called Mount HoH, was an endurance competition in which the remaining trio were to hold onto keys above their heads with both hands while balancing on posts jutting out of a simulated volcano. Immediately after the contest began, Mike announced that Janelle and Erika had made the smartest move in Big Brother that night by evicting Will, but then asked Julie Chen whether she remembered Richard Hatch. Invoking the first Survivor winner caused a moment of confusion followed by the explanation that both of the women would need him in the final two to win since he is an unpopular player with his fellow competitors. Mike then intentionally let go of his key and jumped from the volcano, adding to the brief chaos. Moments later, Julie Chen noted that during the confusion Janelle had turned to see what Mike had done and had removed one of her hands from her key. Janelle was thus eliminated, and Erika won the endurance part of the three-part final HOH competition in less than five minutes.

[edit] Week 10

On Day 66, in another late night competition, Mike won part two, Fly By Night, of the three-part HoH competition. This meant that Erika and Mike would compete in the final part of the competition. During this competition, as an additional prize, Mike won a new Pontiac Solstice convertible that he said he would give to his mother.

On Day 67, Erika made a deal with Mike to throw the last part of the 3-part HoH competition. Erika had previously made a promise to Janelle that if she won HoH she would evict Mike. Erika had been contemplating the idea that it might be best to let Mike win HoH and vote out Janelle. In her eyes, this meant she still kept her promise to Janelle. As the day went on, however, Erika was seen on the live feeds mumbling to herself that she "needs to win this final HoH and get him (Mike) out." That night, Mike and Erika took part in the third and final part of the HoH competition on live TV, with Mike coming out as the victor, becoming the last HOH of the season and securing a spot in the Final Two.

With Mike being the sole voter, Janelle was the last person evicted from Big Brother All Stars.

[edit] Week 11

On day 72, the season finale, Jase and Diane admitted to the 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith Alliance,' and Alison told Erika on national television that Erika should buy some dignity with her winnings. Also, Erika and Mike were shown a video of Mike in the Diary Room trash talking about Erika. Erika thus responded that Mike was being played by her just as much as she was being played by Mike. A video was also shown to Janelle, featuring all the bad things that James said about her in the Diary Room.

Mike won the $500,000 prize with a 6-1 jury vote. Erika won the second place prize of $50,000, with only Marcellas voting for her. Janelle Pierzina won the ad-hoc $25,000 America's Choice Jury prize.

[edit] Season 7 voting history

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Results
Head of Household Janelle
Kaysar James Janelle Danielle Janelle George Mike Erika Janelle Mike Mike
Veto Winner Janelle Erika George Mike Janelle Danielle James Janelle Janelle Erika Janelle (none)
Twists/Notes See
note 1
None None None See
note 2
note 3
See note 4
See note 5
See note 6 See
note 7
Mike Alison Nakomis Jase Diane Kaysar Marcellas Howie Head of Household Danielle Nominated Head of Household Janelle Winner
Erika Alison Nakomis Jase Nominated Kaysar Nominated Nominated James Head of Household George Nominated Nominated Runner-Up
Janelle Co-Head of Household Diane Jase Head of Household Nullified
Head of Household Erika James Danielle Head of Household Will Nominated Mike
Will Alison Diane Nominated Erika Kaysar Marcellas Howie James Danielle George Nominated Evicted
(Day 65)
George Alison Nakomis Jase Diane Kaysar Marcellas Head of Household Nominated Nominated Nominated Evicted
(Day 60)
Danielle Nominated Nakomis Jase Diane Head of Household Marcellas Howie George Nominated Evicted
(Day 60)
James Alison Nakomis Head of Household Diane Nominated Marcellas Erika Nominated Evicted
(Day 53)
Howie Alison Nakomis Jase Diane James Marcellas Nominated Evicted
(Day 47)
Marcellas Alison Nakomis Jase Diane Kaysar Nominated Evicted
(Day 46)
Kaysar Alison Head of Household Jase Diane Nominated Evicted
(Day 39)
Diane Danielle Nominated Jase Nominated Evicted
(Day 32)
Jase Co-Head of Household Nakomis Nominated Evicted
(Day 25)
Nakomis Danielle Nominated Evicted
(Day 18)
Alison Nominated Evicted
(Day 11)
Evicted Alison Nakomis Jase Diane Kaysar Marcellas Howie James Danielle George Will Janelle Erika
as runner up

[edit] Twists/Notes

Note 1: During Week 1, there were two Heads of Household, Jase and Janelle. Both had to agree on two people to nominate for eviction. If the two Heads of Household failed to agree, they would be stripped of their duties and would become the nominees for eviction themselves. Janelle and Jase agreed to nominate Alison and Danielle.
Note 2: During the fifth week's Head of Household competition, James won the right to nullify another housemate's eviction vote. He nullified Janelle's vote, which was a vote for James to be evicted. The official CBS site incorrectly lists Janelle and Danielle as voting for Kaysar. Janelle voted for James and Danielle had no vote as HOH.
Note 3: On Day 39, after Kaysar's eviction, Erika won the live Head of Household competition. However, due to technical faults with some of the equipment, the competition was re-done later during the day. Janelle won the second HoH competition, and was therefore crowned Head of Household for Week 6.
Note 4: During the sixth week, a houseguest could win the Coup d'Etat power - the right to overthrow the Head of Household and replace the nominations just before the vote. Mike won the power, which was good for one of the next three evictions, but it was never used.
Note 5: The seventh week was revealed as a double-eviction week. On Day 46, after winning the HoH competition, George had to immediately make his nominations. The next day, Howie was evicted and Mike won the second HoH competition.
Note 6: On Day 53, Julie Chen announced that two houseguests would be evicted on the same night (Day 60). However, this would be done differently from a normal "double eviction" week. The first person would be evicted after a normal week, then in one day there will be the Head of Household competition, nominations, veto competition, veto ceremony, and live voting.
Note 7: On Day 60, Julie Chen announced that the coming Tuesday (Day 65) would feature a special live eviction episode. The final eviction was broadcast Thursday, September 7.[1]

[edit] Structure

  • Coming into the house, there were four houseguests who were on season six (James, Janelle, Howie, and Kaysar), three from season five (Diane, Nakomis, and Jase), two each from season two (Will and Mike), three (Marcellas and Danielle), and four (Erika and Alison), and just one from season one (George). As such, the houseguests speculated that there was an inherent alliance between the returning members from season six.
  • In the first week, Jase and Janelle shared the Head of Household position. Julie Chen explained to the houseguests that if the two Heads of Household could not come to a consensus over who to nominate, they would be nominated instead. Danielle proposed an idea to Alison that if Jase were to purposely disagree with Janelle so that they would be nominated, they could work toward evicting Janelle. However, Alison immediately went to Jase, who rejected this plan, stating that it is incredibly stupid to go from the highest position (HoH) to the lowest (nominee). The idea instead got Danielle and Alison nominated.
  • The rules of the Power of Veto changed once again. The Head of Household and the nominees play, but the other three competitors are chosen at random (unlike previous seasons where the HoH and nominees each selected one additional competetor). This rule was made to decrease the chance of someone getting "backdoored" (voted out after being named a replacement for someone whose nomination was vetoed). Ironically, 7 housegeusts (the most in any season) were backdoored. For some Golden Power of Veto competitions, the Head of Household and nominees drew balls out of a bag with the names of the housemates on them. However, some balls were marked "Houseguest's Choice", which let the person who grabbed the ball choose one person to compete in the competition.
  • On Thursday, August 10, 2006, a Coup d'État twist was revealed to the housemates that will give the winner the ability to overthrow the HoH and replace their nominees. They received their first clue, a sheep with a pink and red bow, when the HoH competition was finished. The second clue was a large spool of thread and needle in the backyard. The third, and final, clue was a grim reaper. Mike correctly answered, "You reap what you sow", and won the Coup d'État on eviction night, choosing to hold onto it. On day 48, Mike lost the power of the Coup d'Etat, because it was only valid for 3 evictions and he did not use it within that time due to his winning HOH.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Ryan, Maureen. "`Big Brother' preview on CBS gets out the vote",, 2006-06-21. Retrieved on 2006-06-22.
  2. ^ Real SuperPass Big Brother feeds Real
  3. ^ Episode 5, Page 5 Big Brother CBS website.
  4. ^ Episode 8, Page 3 CBS' official Big Brother site

[edit] External links

Big Brother US
Seasons: 1 (2000) | 2 (2001) | 3 (2002) | 4 (2003) | 5 (2004) | 6 (2005) | 7 (2006) | 8 (2007)
Winners: Eddie McGee | Will Kirby | Lisa Donahue | Jun Song | Drew Daniel | Maggie Ausburn | Mike Malin | TBA