Bidwell Park

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Upper Park's nature, part of Bidwell Park
Upper Park's nature, part of Bidwell Park

Bidwell Park is a municipal park located in Chico, California. The park was established July 20, 1905 through the donation by Annie Bidwell (widow of Chico's founder, John Bidwell) of approximately 2,500 acres (1,000 ha) of land to the City of Chico. Since that time, the City has purchased additional land, such as Cedar Grove in 1922, and 1,200 acres (500 ha) of land south of Big Chico Creek in upper Bidwell Park in 1995. Today, the total Park size is 3,670 acres (1,500 ha), nearly 11 miles (18 km) in length, making it one of the largest municipal parks in the United States (currently estimated at ranking as the 4th largest municipal park in the U.S.).

Bidwell Park is "divided" by Manzanita Avenue. The area west of Manzanita Avenue is referred to as Lower Park and the area to the east is referred to as Upper Park. The noticeable difference between Upper and Lower Park is the terrain. Upper Park is located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It has steep terrain and contains many rock formations, including the unique Chico Formation sandstone and Lovejoy Basalt rocks. Lower Park is flat and level with a thick canopy of trees which provide ample shade for the visitor.


[edit] Points of interest

Cliffs and Big Chico Creek in Upper Park
Cliffs and Big Chico Creek in Upper Park
  • Sycamore Pool, located in the One Mile Recreation Area. The pool was constructed in the late 1920s and provides a unique swimming experience because its concrete decks, walls, and bottom are built to contain Big Chico Creek as it flows through the park. A dam and fish ladder at one end allow control of the creek's flow. The dam is raised and lifeguards are present from Memorial Day to Labor Day of each year,
  • Caper Acres playground is also located in the One Mile Recreation Area. Originally constructed in the 1950s, the playground provides a fairy tale-themed location for children to play in. Many play attractions in the playground were destroyed by a storm in 1995, but were rebuilt by members of the community. Adult visitors to the playground must be accompanied by a child 13 years of age or younger.
  • Cedar Grove is home to the 2nd tree experimentation farm in the U.S. Trees from around the world were planted in the grove by John Bidwell in 1888.
  • The Chico Creek Nature Center, the park's official interpretive center, is a private non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the public's awareness of Bidwell Park.
  • Five Mile, located near Manzanita Avenue in the upper park area, is a manicured park and picnic area. The creek widens in this area and is deep enough for swimming in the spring and summer.
  • Horseshoe Lake, located in upper Bidwell Park, was constructed in the 1930s as a reservoir in which to irrigate the Bidwell Municipal Golf Course, located across Upper Park Road from the lake. The land around the lake was the site of several shooting ranges. One was used by the California National Guard and later, during World War II, the U.S. Army. A concrete bunker used for military target practice still remains next to the lake today. The other two ranges were used by civilians to shoot rifles and shotguns (skeet). All remnants of the shooting ranges (with exception of the military bunker) were removed in 2005 as part of a lead and skeet removal project. The lake is also the site of the annual "Hooked on Fishing, Not on Drugs" fishing derby for children.
  • Bear Hole, located in upper Bidwell Park beyond Horseshoe Lake, is a part of the creek that is frequently used for swimming and diving. The water is deep during the spring and summer and rocks on both sides are used for sunbathing. However, the currents in the area have a reputation for being dangerously unpredictable and have at times been fatal. Bear Hole has a dirt and gravel parking area and a short trail.
  • Salmon Hole, located in upper Bidwell Park beyond Bear Hole, is a part of the creek that is used for swimming. The site, which is essentially a large pond along the creek, is less accessible by car than Bear Hole and consequently less busy.
Lower Bidwell Park's Sycamore Pool
Lower Bidwell Park's Sycamore Pool

[edit] Timeline

  • 1918 20 acre (81,000 m²) fish hatchery proposed
  • 1920 (approx.) Golf course put in — 9 holes
  • 1921 Forestry Station land added to Lower Park. Now the site of Cedar Grove, the Nature Center, and World of Trees
  • 1921,1926 airfield near golf course proposed
  • 1925 First clubhouse built at golf course
  • 1926 Company G, 184th Infantry gets permission to construct rifle range
  • 1932 Polo field proposed
  • 1933 CCC winter camp building east of the golf course proposed
  • 1934 Kennedy tract (walnut orchard) added to north side of Lower Park
  • 1937 (and prior to) Horseshoe Lake reservoir in existence
  • 1937 The Adventures of Robin Hood, starring Errol Flynn and Olivia De Havilland, was filmed in Lower Park
  • 1939 Petersen Memorial Drive built by CCC
  • 1940 Overnight campground proposed in northeastern end of park
  • 1941 Military camping okayed
  • 1942-45 Diversion Dam built (year uncertain)
  • 1946 Archery area established by Glenn Archery Club
  • 1947 25-year lease and improvements on Radar bombing site proposed
  • 1949 Recreation District formed (CARD)
  • 1950 Softball field moved to Hooker Oak area
  • 1950 Water control dams on Chico Creek proposed
  • 1951 Day Camp established by CARD and Chico Teachers College
  • 1951 First mention of Easter Cross in BPPC minutes
  • 1953 CDF Fire Station with 1.6 acres (6500 m²) proposed NW of Live Oak Grove (30 yrs)
  • 1953 Horseback riding groups ask BPPC for arena site. Okayed, but no funds.
  • 1953 Area near One Mile Dam leased to CARD for Sycamore baseball field.
  • 1953 Chief Evans asks for site for Police pistol range
  • 1953-54 Pistol range under construction
  • 1954 Camp Fire Girls (now Camp Fire USA) dedicate Campfire Counciil Ring in Lower Park
  • 1955 Local midget race car group builds 250 ft (76 m) long track in Live Oak Grove
  • 1955 & 56 Bridge requested for private property access above Day Camp
  • 1956 New rifle range requested for sole use of the National Guard, lease for 10 yrs
  • 1957-58 CARD develops Hooker Oak area
  • 1958 $25,000 fish ladder built. Ten dams in 300 ft (90 m) barrier
  • 1958 Motorcycle club asks to further develop Live Oak Grove area
  • 1959 Dam on Chico Creek (upper park) proposed
  • 1963 PG&E claims it will cost $147,000 extra to bypass Bidwell Park with major power lines, plus $16,000/ year. BPPC votes 3-1 to put lines elsewhere
  • 1964 PG&E power lines through upper park under construction
  • 1965 Sycamore Bypass diversion channel built
  • 1968 Chico Riding Club puts up arena
  • 1970 Five Mile Dam Recreation Area dedication
  • 1970 Caper Acres playground built
  • 1971 Footbridge at golf course replaced after old one washed out by high waters in 1970
  • 1972 Rod & Gun Club reports 77,300 targets used in 1971— possible cleanup of used skeet clay birds discussed
  • 1972 Extensive discussion and study of closing South Park Dr. to cars
  • 1972 Rifle range shade structures built
  • 1973 Upper Park to be closed from 11:30 p.m. to 30 minutes before sunrise to reduce vandalism
  • 1973 Trial period for dogs off leash in Lower and Upper Park starts
  • 1974 CARD proposes tennis court construction at Hooker Oak as part of renovation and improvement plan. BPPC opposed. City Council tentatively approves.
  • 1974 Park Commission votes to stop issuing wood-cutting permits for Bidwell Park
  • 1974 Park Commission discusses instituting a city tree ordinance
  • 1974 Park Commission meeting minutes mention using sheep for weed control in park
  • 1974 Upper Park Road to be closed during wet weather at discretion of Park Superintendent
  • 1975 Park Commission discusses fire hazard in Park due to undergrowth
  • 1975 Banning of off-road vehicles on North Rim Trail discussed but no action taken
  • 1976 Bird sanctuary proposed for Lower Park by deer pen
  • 1976 Park Commission votes to close pistol range within 6 months
  • 1977 Bidwell Park site (by Mangrove Ave) proposed for new city/county library
  • 1979 Roller skating to be allowed in Lower Park
  • 1979 Request to fly remote control planes in Horseshoe Lake area including creation of a takeoff/landing area
  • 1979 North Rim road to be closed to vehicles in the winter months
  • 1980 20-station Par Course approved for Lower Park
  • 1981 Upper Park controlled burns start, with 1/5 of area to be burned each year
  • 1981 Commission Minutes note that there is only one trash can in Upper Park, users are supposed to "Pack it out"
  • 1982 Horse-drawn carriage tours proposed for Lower Park
  • 1983 Golf Course leased to private concessionaire with Park Commission relinquishing control over golf course management
  • 1983 Bocce ball courts proposed for Hooker Oak area
  • 1983 1300 acorns planted along Upper Park Road on north side
  • 1983 California State Highway 99 mural approved
  • 1983 Job title for Bidwell Park's two Community Service Officers is changed to Park Ranger
  • 1984 Park Department hires their first Urban Forester
  • 1984 Upper Park annual controlled burns stopped
  • 1985 Lost Park area surveyed and encroachments noted on maps
  • 1985 Tree nursery started in 1.2 acre (4900 m²) Lower Park walnut orchard area
  • 1986 North Park Dr. to become one-way westbound, open 11 a.m.-11 p.m.
  • 1987 Extensive discussion regarding use of park for military training
  • 1987 Discussion begins regarding feral cats in park
  • 1989 Rod and Gun Club's rifle and trap shooting ranges close
  • 1989 Golf course expanded and Upper Park Road realigned
  • 1989 Unofficial disc golf courses begin to develop on 40 acre (160,000 m²) Hwy 32 site.
  • 1990 Shakespeare in the Park begins (D-Rock Is Born)
  • 1990 Bidwell Park Master Management Plan (MMP) approved by City Council.
  • 1992 1.5 mile (2.4 km) "B" Trail built by volunteers from east end of Rim Trail to Middle Trail
  • 1992 0.4 mile (600 m) Canyon Oak Trail (later renamed Maidu) built by volunteers from Middle Trail near Parking Area E to Rim Trail.
  • 1992 Realignment of Upper Park Road and Golf Course using Mitigated Negative Declaration.
  • 1991 Bidwell Park Wildfire Management Plan.
  • 1994 Chico General Plan approved. Bidwell Park, especially Upper Park, designated as a Resource Conservation Area (pg. 7-11).
  • 1993 Purchase of 40 acre (160,000 m²) BLM site on Hwy 32 (site of present disc golf courses).
  • 1995 Acquisition of 1417 acres (5.73 km²) on south side of Big Chico Creek.
  • 1998-1999 Bloody Pin Trail rerouted and Guardians & Pine Trails built.
  • 1998 Annie Bidwell Trail proposed, to extend from Bidwell Mansion to end of Upper Park "within sight and sound of the creek".
  • 1999 1500 acre (6.1 km²) backfire covers north side of Upper Park between road and park boundary..
  • 1999 Bidwell Park Trails Manual approved, described as a "work in progress".
  • 1999 Existing disc golf course location approved by Park Commission and City Council, negotiations begin with Cal Trans regarding Hwy 32 access.
  • 2000-2001 1.25 miles (2 km) of Yahi Trail relocated and/or rebuilt.
  • 2001 Observatory built.
  • 2002 Horseshoe Lake Fishing Pier built.
  • 2002 GPS mapping of existing park trails and roads shows 40+ miles (60 km) of official and frequently used unofficial trails and road on the north side and 28 miles (45 km) on the south side.
  • 2000-2002 Trail plan developed with 23 "Focus Areas", includes new creekside ABT pedestrian trail segments on the south side, new 1 mile (1.6 km) segment of South Rim trail, new trail from the North Rim Trail starting at the power lines to Bear Hole, a new trail from the eastern end of Lower Trail to Bear Hole, a new trail from the Middle Trail to the potential Day Camp area bridge site, a new trail from the junction of the B Trail and Middle Trail to Parking Area U at the end of the road, reroute of east end of Upper Trail and several reroutes of Yahi Trail between Bear Hole and Parking Area P.
  • 2002 Bridges proposed above Day Camp and at the end of Upper Park Road.
  • 2002 Boundary survey on south side shows that some park trails from disc golf area cross private property and may need to be rerouted.
  • 2003 19 acre (77,000 m²) antimony, lead, copper and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons removal project planned for Horseshoe Lake and lead removal at former pistol range.
  • 2003 Conceptual approval of observatory outdoor seating area & spotting pads, including realignment of the road to Parking Area C.
  • 2003 Funding for update of Bidwell Park Master Management Plan and associated EIR approved by City Council.
  • 2003 Conceptual approval of horse workout pen by Horse Arena.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links