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Coordinates: 47.49074° 18.63625°

Country: Hungary
County: Fejér
Area: 78.88 km²
Population (2001):
- Density:
Postal code: 2060
Area code: 22
Coordinates: 47.49074° N 18.63625° E

Bicske is a town in Fejér county, Hungary. It is located at around 47°28′60″N, 18°37′60″E. Sister city of Bicske is Altshausen, Germany.

[edit] History

The known facts Bicske was in 1306 as it was written Bykche, Biccke, Bykcze, Biczke, Bitske – when Botond’s sons János (John) and Peter had got the permission for toll on their possession. The name of the family of Byckche was already found in 1258, the members of the family could be able to grow the possession as benefit from the kings.

After the conquest of the Turkish (1541-1596) Bicske also belonged to the Turkish Empirium. Turkish invaders completely destroyed the city and that was Earl Adam Batthyany who bought the land in 1642 and built a castle as a home. During the Batthyany era, the destroyded village became a prosperous town.

By the XIXth century, Bicske is a well developed market town and cultural centre. Batthyany family built also an observatory and a little castle (namely: Hegyi-kastely) for astronomers.

The administration of Bicske had got many transformations – it was a settlement, a village, a market town, a village constituting an administrative division.From 1688 to 1877 it was the chief town of the district. From 1877 to 1946 it belonged to another district – Vál. In 1947 – it became independent – and again from 1st of January 1986 – has been a town (inh.cca,12.000).

[edit] Monuments

Roman Catholic Church (XVIIIth century) with a Maulbertsch (1724-1796) panel painting Batthyany Castle (built in 1754-1755). In the center of the city, you can find excavated ruines of a temple with several tombs, dated to the XVth century. Ruines of Observatory and astronomers' castle.

Aerial photography: Bicske - Palace
Aerial photography: Bicske - Palace
Aerial photography: Bicske
Aerial photography: Bicske
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