Bianca Hagenbeek

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Bianca Hagenbeek [1] (born May 16, 1967, Leusden, the Netherlands) is a Dutch tv personality. The first bisexual to win a Big Brother contest, when she won series 2 in Holland in 2000.

Before her participation in Dutch Big Brother she had extensively travelled working as a cook. She was in the Dutch Marines for five years and worked as a secretary with Philips.

Because of the response she received from young women, on July 1st 2001 she used her prize money to open a website for bisexual women called "Let's be open." [2]

She is also the organiser of women-only "Flirtation Festen" attended by more than 1400 women and the editor of "LEV" magazine (Live Extraordinary Vibes).

She used her cooking experience as a presenter on "Life & Cooking" a show on RTL4.

[edit] TV appearances

  • Big Brother 2
  • Life & Cooking

[edit] See also

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