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Bhangarh is situated in state of Rajasthan, India, in the Alwar district. It is known for its historical ruins.


[edit] Description

Bhangarh is a place on way from Jaipur to Alwar city in Rajasthan state of India. Today Bhangarh is known for its ruins where nobody dares to stay after sunset. Looking through history we find that this town was established by Madho Singh, younger brother of King Akbar’s General Raja Man Singh, in 1631. But the city seems to have been abandoned in a hurry some centuries later.

[edit] Bhangarh ruins

The local folks say that due to a curse the whole town was vacated overnight. According to the story of the curse, if the town was ever rediscovered the township would not be found, but only temples would show up.

True to the story only temples dot the landscape and even far up on the mountains only shrines can be seen. It is said that nobody returns from there who stays after dark.

By the Government of India rules there has to be an office of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) beside every historical structure in India. But even government authorities did not dare to open an office there. They opened their office about one kilometer away from the ruins of Bhangarh. Even this office is close to a temple because of this myth. ASI has put a signboard at Bhangarh saying, "Staying after sunset is strictly prohibited in this area."

[edit] Story

People who visit this place out of tourist interest say that there is a strange feeling in the atmosphere of Bhangarh, which causes sort of anxiety and restlessness.

The story of this restlessness goes as the following. The charm of princess of Bhangarh Ratnawati was said to be matchless in entire Rajasthan. Being merely eighteen years old, the princess started getting wedding offers from other states. In the same region there also lived a tantrik, a magician using black magic, named Singhia who was desperately in love with the princess and who also knew that king would never even allow him to see the princess.

Once he saw princess's maid in the market buying scented oil for princess. Seeing this he got a wicked idea of getting the princess. He used his black magic and put a spell on the oil which would hypnotise the princess by her mere touching the oil and she would immedialely walk towards the tantrik to satisfy him sexually. But as soon as the princess got the oil she threw it on the block of a stone as she had seen the tantrik eying the oil. As soon as the oil touched the stone, the stone started rolling towards the wicked tantrik Singhia and crushed him. While dying Singhia cursed the palace that there will be such an incident that everybody in the palace would die and their souls will stay there for centuries without rebirth. The very next year there was a battle between Bhangarh-Ajabgarh and no one survived in the battle nor in the palace, not even the princess Ratnawati.

Also the tantrik cursed Bhangarh that no one would settle there in future and whoever dares will die as well. It is said by the local villagers that whenever a house has been built there its roof has collapsed and that is true because inside bhangarh all the houses are without a roof and even at the closest village where people reside, they still have roofs made of straw but not bricks. Awesome place to visit but people with weak hearts not adviced to go coz the place is scary very scary.

[edit] Visitors

This is still the reason people are fearful and restlessness after sunset. People even hear strange sounds of music and dancing in the night despite no one being there.

The place is still open to all those tourists who want to experience the spooky thrill, but one still needs permission from ASI to go there and with ones own risk.Thanks

    yes this true but is always a fact behind eveything ,we should know the fact and put the reality in front of people so that the fear can be removed and looked the things in brighter way.Bold text

I have been to this place with a few friends of mine, in the day time it was beautiful, unlike the rest area, this place was full of water and "kewra" plants, there is a fort also, where we entered but a different feeling was there, it may be because we knew the fact that the place was haunted but the place is real thrilling.

Bold text== External links ==

"I recently visited and foudn that the inside Bhangarh without roof hounses in are neat and clean as if someone cleans all the houses daily".

"I have been to this place and it is true that only temples dot the area. it is a walled city and only complete constructions which one see are the 3 temples. all tenements are without the roof and the fort doesnot have a second storey. it appears as if the second storey has been neatly demolished. there is a strange feelng the moment one enters the main gate of the walled city. i have heard many reasons for its sudden destruction, like a magician falling for the princess, a sadhu telling the king not to construct second storey of the fort which shall prevent sunlight from falling on a mandir where the sadhu used to pray, war between bhangarh and ajaibgarh (nearby village hardly 5 kilometres). someone told me about a hidden treasure, writing on the wall of the city narrating the story of its destruction (which no one can read or remember, picture cannot be taken), some fruit which allegedly grows on stones (amarphal types)..."