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The abbreviation BFU can mean several things:

  • Bastiat Free University: BFU. A group of experimental colleges seeking to provide rational learning outside of public domain control. A primary goal is student self directed education at no or little cost. A secondary goal is defined as "renaissance education," avoiding subject divisions and specialization by seeking diverse knowledge integrated with action. The objective of these goals is to prepare the student for the emerging information age rather than the ending industrial age. This transitional focus requires a new learning model emphasizing adaptability, reputation, and Coalesced knowledge.
  • an abbreviation for a geographically limited term for an unskilled computer user, the Bloody Fucking User or Brain Free User or Basic Function User. This term appears to be used by non-native English speakers only in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and neighbouring countries.
  • Blindingly Fast Upgrade or Bonwick/Faulkner Upgrade: A mechanism / framework / algorithm / utility to upgrade a live OpenSolaris system to the latest bits in a matter of seconds.