
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

vn-1 This userpage has been vandalized 1 time.
ko-2 이 사용자는 한국어어느 정도 말할 수 있습니다.
ja-3 この利用者は流暢日本語を話すことができます。
This user supports the reunification of Korea.
This user is of Korean ancestry.
This user used to live in Japan
This user used to live in the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area.
This user lives inSeoul
This user wishes otaku would leave non-anime sections of wikipedia alone.

[edit] Current Wikibattles

I've been trying so hard, oh so hard, to get the otaku to stop ruining everything in wikipedia. Right now I am in the thick of arguing with people that katakana isn't necessary on certain video game characters' articles (despite the fact that they are characters designed by a Japanese company, no doubt.) I attest that even if the character IS created by Japanese, within the storyline, if the person has no reason to write his/her name in Japanese (such as, being Japanese, or living in Japan), then it makes no sense to include Japanese katakanization of something that isn't Japanese. This has pissed so many people off apparently. But to illustrate my point, I found a popular Japanese video game character and labled him with a hangulization of his name. People ironically don't seem to care, because that's been on there for weeks now. Many claim that my qualms with katakana on character pages, is due to my Korean pride and hatred of Japanese. Nothing can be further from the truth. It's more about my hatred for otaku who want to think they are cool by adding katakana to things where it doesn't even need to go. Sure if something is Japanese and people want to know how to write it in Japanese, yea, go ahead. I don't mind. But, when you start writing something that isn't Japanese in Japanese, in an English language article, it's dumb. It's irrelevant. Nationalistic me or not, these otaku need to know that I am right, and they are pansies who should be laughed at.... Stupid otaku. I bet those are the same people who I argued about kawaii with...

[edit] Articles started by me

[edit] Articles I plan to start

  • Yonsei Graduate School of International Studies
  • Pyeonghae Hwang
  • 광화문