Talk:Best of all possible worlds

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I've moved this (slightly tidied) comment here:

"Bertrand Russell, in his History of Western Philosophy suggested (based on Leibniz's private papers) that Leibniz was not himself satisfied with the argument, but published it to keep favour with his sponsors."

Russell's view of Leibniz (that he had two philosophies, one esoteric for himself and other philosophers, one exoteric for his patrons, etc.) has long been out of fashion. Most commentators now hold (so far as I'm aware) that Leibniz was committed to this view while realising that there were problems with it that needed attention. Indeed, the maerial on Leibniz is among the more misleading in what is a a rather misleading (but dangerously readable and attractively written) book. --Mel Etitis (Μελ Ετητης) 17:25, 31 July 2005 (UTC)

[edit] There is something


  Im ganesh.I argue that there must be something that governs us and everything. We may call it "the god".

I give you one scientific twist over which you may not or cannot answer.

We say we are evolutionary,that is we are from unicellular organisms.

Though it is a marvel tha there was a possiblity of life,I want to tell you one thing.

    We sense,see,hear. 

How is it possible for a single celled simple organism to sense the outside phenomenon.

Its main motive was(is)survival.But it developed organs to see,hear, sense.

How was it possible for it sense the light,sound which play no role in the materialistic world.

  There must be something which os responsible for all this creations and wonders. 

Which we may call god.

It may be existing before(infront) us but we are (or) may not be able to sense it.

  Thgere is no doubt that there is something WHICH GOVERNS US.