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Hello, my name is Beryllium. Well, that's not my real name, of course - it's my online nickname/handle/callsign. I'm a 24 year old computer technician (and programmer) from British Columbia, Canada.

[edit] Computer Experience

I started using computers way back in the Dark Ages (er, 1990 or so), with my first experience being the Commodore 64. I played many games on it, and even attempted a few small BASIC programs. I moved up to a Tandy (I hated that monochrome beast), where my accomplishments stagnated for a short while. As I recall, my greatest accomplishment on the Tandy was beating the Black Cauldron PC game; it was rather difficult, because it was designed for a colour screen, and I had to guess at what the different shades signified.

After that, I finally got a taste of real computing. :) A 486, shiny and new - I got to install MS-DOS and Windows 3.1. That was a fun time :) I dabbled in programming, web design, and other such activities for several years (PaintShop Pro, HoTMetaL, HomeSite, WinZip - all those fun programs, I got to use their very early versions). Naturally, I preferred coding HTML by hand.

(er, I'll insert more here later. Stuff about Windows 95, BeOS, learning C++, discovering PHP, all that fun stuff.)