Bert Brown

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Bert Brown is a Canadian politician from Kathyrn, Alberta.

Brown is the only person to run in all three of Alberta's senatorial elections. In 1989 and 2004 he ran for the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party and in 1998 he ran for the Reform Party of Alberta. He was elected Senator in Waiting in 1998 and re-elected in 2004. Brown is the only person ever to be elected to a second term as Senator in waiting.

He has been fighting for an elected Canadian Senate for over twenty years. He is national chair of the Canadian Committee for a Triple-E Senate, and has become the symbol for the cause. He has been mentioned in countless Hansard transcripts in legislatures across the country. as well as the federal Parliament and Senate.

He first gained fame for his cause, when he used his tractor to plow "Triple E Senate or else" into his neighbours's barley field. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has promised Brown the next available Senate seat from Alberta, according to Alberta Premier Ralph Klein.[1] Alberta is not scheduled for a Senate vacancy until December 2011, when Senator Tommy Banks turns 75.