Ben Cropp

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Ben Cropp is an Australian, a former shark hunter and six-time Australian spearfishing champion, having retired from that trade in 1962 to pursue oceanic documentary filmmaking (having produced some 150 wildlife documentaries) and conservation efforts. One of his efforts for The Disney Channel, The Young Adventurers, was nominated for an Emmy award.

In 1977, he discovered the wreck of the HMS Pandora, almost concurrently with American explorer Steve Domm. He also lays claim to over 100 other shipwreck discoveries.

In 1999, he was created a member of the Order of Australia for his marine and coastal conservation efforts, and for the promotion and awareness of the Australian marine environment.

In 2000, he was inducted into the International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame's inaugural induction, sharing the honour with Jacques-Yves Cousteau, among others.

On September 4, 2006, he commented to the media on the possible circumstances of contemporary Steve Irwin's death. After reviewing footage of the incident and speaking with the cameraman who filmed it, Cropp offered the following:

He was up in the shallow water, probably 1.5m to 2m deep, following a bull ray which was about a metre across the body - probably weighing about 100kg, and it had quite a large spine. The cameraman was filming in the water. It probably felt threatened because Steve was alongside and there was the cameraman ahead, and it felt there was danger and it baulked. It stopped and went into a defensive mode and swung its tail with the spike. Steve unfortunately was in a bad position and copped it. I have had that happen to me, and I can visualise it - when a ray goes into defensive, you get out of the way. Steve was so close he could not get away, so if you can imagine it - being right beside the ray and it swinging its spine upwards from underneath Steve - and it hit him. I have seen that sort of reaction with rays - with their tail breaking the water, such is the force.

He currently resides in Port Douglas, Queensland.

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