Ben 10,000 (Ben 10 episode)

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Ben 10 episode
"Ben 10,000"
Adulte Ben
Episode # 27
Production # 302
Airdate November 25, 2006
Writer(s) Thomas Pugsley
Director Scooter Tidwell
Story Jill Colbert-Trousdale
John Fang
Tim Divar
Guest star(s) Tom Kane
Dwight Schultz
Season 3
November 29, 2006 –
  1. "Ben 10,000"
  2. "Midnight Madness"
  3. "A Change of Face"
  4. "Merry Christmas"
  5. "Benwolf"
  6. "Game Over"
  7. "Monster Weather"
  8. "Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures"
  9. "Under Wraps"
  10. "The Unnaturals"
  11. "The Return"
  12. "Be Afraid of the Dark" episode summary
List of all Ben 10 episodes...

Ben 10,000 is the first episode of the third season of the American animated television series Ben 10, which first aired on November 25, 2006.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The episode starts with Ben and Gwen about to celebrate Grandpa's 60th birthday while Grandpa Max goes out for firewood. While Grandpa is away, Gwen and Ben argue about the fact that Ben was supposed to get a cake for Grandpa and he has forgotten, again. As they argue, a portal opens and a person comes out dressed in a blue cloak. The stranger promptly kidnaps Gwen; Ben transforms into XLR8 and chases after the kidnapper into the portal, which closes behind them. Grandpa Max returns to find them gone.

On the other side of the portal, XLR8 easily gets Gwen back. Now in an unfamiliar city, the two are surprised to find humans and aliens alike casually walking about. Several onlookers call XLR8 "Ben 10,000" (future Ben has 10,000 available forms), which is explained when they find a statue of an adult Ben labeling him as such. A rhinoceros-like creature (credited as "Exo-Skull") promptly blasts the statue and attacks XLR8, whose transformation ends at an inconvenient time. The woman that kidnapped Gwen protects them momentarily, and an older XLR8 shows to to finish the job. The appearance of future Ben makes the woman's identity clear: she is none other than Gwen, now going by Gwendolyn and fully proficient in magic. She has taken Ben and Gwen twenty years into the future. Ben 10,000 regards his present self with annoyance, simply dismissing Ben and ordering Gwendolyn to send them back. After he departs, Gwendolyn explains that future Ben needs past Ben's help, though she neglects to give specific details, and she only kidnapped Gwen because it was the quickest way to drag him along.

Hearing about another incident, Ben, Gwen, and Gwendolyn are taken to a DNA repository by Grandpa Max, who looks essentially the same despite being twenty years older. During their trip, Ben 10,000 is revealed to be a planetary hero, having mastered the Omnitrix. However, he has since outgrown staying in the RV with Gwendolyn and Max, along with being generally more serious and detached from any semblance of a social life than his present self.

At the DNA repository, Dr. Animo is attempting to steal DNA for an army of mutated creatures. Animo himself is nothing more than a head in a jar now, using an albino gorilla body for transport. Ben 10,000 is able to defeat him fairly easily, while Ben is kept out of the fight. The Galactic Enforcers, whom Ben 10,000 now regards as incompetent, show up after the fact and are left to cleanup. They are knocked out by Animo, who is not as incapacitated as his defeat made him seem.

Ben and Gwen, having been dragged to Ben 10,000's headquarters, get a closer look at the hero, who has lost his sense of humor after fighting for so long, including the fact that he doesn't name his aliens anymore. Being responsible for the entire planet (which is apparently self-given) hasn't helped matters. Animo attacks the lower levels of the complex while Ben argues with his future self.

By a larger version of the Null Void projector, Animo reveals that he resurrected Vilgax. The two Bens deal with him, while the two Gwens, and Max later on, deal with Animo. Animo was hoping to use Vilgax as a distraction to open a portal to the Null Void.

In fighting with Vilgax, both Bens realize that their attacks are useless: Animo programmed all their moves into Vilgax's DNA, and as such they are basically useless. Ben chides his future self, wondering if Ben 10,000's forgotten his human self. Inspired, Ben 10,000 deactivates the Omnitrix and annoys Vilgax by flying around him randomly with a hoverboard. The distraction is enough to give him a small opening. He uses a combination of forms to drive Vilgax into a river with Ben's help, freezing it after the fact as an Ice-powered Alien. Ben asks what's the alien's name, Ben 10,000 first starts replying that he doesn't name them anymore, but quickly has the idea of "Absolute Zero", Ben says it's lame and suggests "Arctiguana" instead, to which Ben 10,000 replies "Cool".

Since Ben has managed to reform his future self, Gwen reveals that was the entire purpose of bringing Ben to the future. After celebrating Grandpa Max's 80th birthday, she prepares to send Ben and Gwen back. Ben 10,000 gives Ben a small cube-shaped device before they leave, which he describes as something he should have given Grandpa Max twenty years ago.

Back in the past, the group celebrates Grandpa Max's 60th birthday. Ben activates the little cube, which produces a cake.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Episode notes

  • Ghostfreak is removed from the beginning credits and replaced with Cannonbolt.
  • 10,000 may not be an exact number of aliens but instead one to be more pleasing, just like Ben still refers to himself as Ben 10 even though he has more alien forms.
  • Gwen has the five Charms of Bezel on one of her arms, presumably recreated in the same ritual attempted by Hex in "Tough Luck".
  • Ben 10,000's aliens are aged to distinguish them from present Ben's. They're also much more effective.
  • Ben asks his future self about his other 9,990 forms. Ben seems to be generalizing from his own name in this instance, as he knows of at least thirteen forms (whether he would consider Ghostfreak in this count is debatable). Despite having 10,000 choices, Ben 10,000 only displays three forms Ben has yet to acquire: Spitter; a green Megawhatt; and Articguana.
  • Vilgax has appeared in the beginning of every season thus far, though this episode is technically the second production-wise.
  • Ben 10,000 has unlocked the master code on the omnitrix making it possible for him to transform into any alien any time and to stay "hero" whenever he wants.
  • When XLR8 knocks down future Gwen and looks around, a Galvanic Mechamorph can be seen, only it looks a bit different from Ben's Galvanic Mechamorph (Upgrade).