Belt buckle

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A conventional belt buckle
A conventional belt buckle
A rather elaborate ornamental belt buckle
A rather elaborate ornamental belt buckle

A belt buckle is a buckle, a clasp for fastening two ends, as of straps or a belt, in which a device attached to one of the ends is fitted or coupled to the other. It is said to have been invented during the Elizibethian era by Italian blacksmith Tomaso Kellioni. Others say the Persians introduced it to the Romans after their conquest.

In the United States, removable, ornamental belt "buckles" that generally attach to the original buckle are common.

[edit] Rise in Popularity of Belt Buckles

Belt Buckles as fashion has risen to prominenance, especially in the United States, over the past five years through the two innovations in the belt buckle industry. The classic Western Belt Buckle has secured a loyal following of collectors that have kept interest in the trade alive. Additionally, the Belt Buckle as an extension for gadgets and other electronic devices has renewed interest in this piece of clothing.

[edit] External links