Belmiro de Azevedo

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Belmiro de Azevedo (February 17, 1938) is a Portuguese entrepreneur, ranked by Forbes as the 387th richest person in the world (2005), as well as the richest in Portugal. He owns Sonae SGPS, one of the biggest business groups in Portugal, which also operates in Spain, Greece, Germany, Italy and Brazil, Portuguese leader in real estate and retailing which also have business in telecommunications, tourism, venture capital and the media. As of 2006, his Sonae SGPS is launching a hostile bid to control Portugal Telecom, the biggest Portuguese telecommunications operator with heavy investiments in Brazil.

Belmiro de Azevedo, a carpenter and a tailor's son, is graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and has a MBA from the Harvard University. He is married and father of three.He is married to Margarida Teixeira and has three children: Paulo , Nuno Azevedo, and Cláudia.

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