Belle da Costa Greene

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Belle da Costa Greene (December 13, 1883 - May 10, 1950) was the librarian to J. P. Morgan and after his death she became the first director of the Pierpont Morgan Library.

Photo by Clarence White, 1911
Photo by Clarence White, 1911

She was born Belle Marion Greener in Washington, D.C., and grew up there and in New York City. Her mother was Genevieve Ida Fleet, a member of a well-known African American family in the nation's capital, while her father was Richard Theodore Greener, an attorney who served as dean of the Howard Law School and was the first black student and first black graduate of Harvard (class of 1870). After his separation from his wife (they never divorced), Greener became a U.S. diplomat posted to Siberia, where he produced a second family with a Japanese woman.

After her parents' separation, the light-skinned Belle, her mother, and siblings passed as white and changed their surname to Greene to distance themselves from their father. Her mother changed her maiden name to Van Vliet, apparently in an effort to assume Dutch ancestry, while Belle dropped her middle name in favor of da Costa and began claiming a Portuguese background to explain her dusky complexion. Eventually, she moved to Princeton, New Jersey, where she worked at the Princeton University Library.

Painting of Belle da Costa Greene by Paul César Helleu ca. 1913.
Painting of
Belle da Costa Greene
by Paul César Helleu ca. 1913.

The financier J. P. Morgan had in 1902 engaged Charles F. McKim to build him a library to the south of his Madison Avenue brownstone as his collection already was too large for his study. To manage his collection he hired Greene as his personal librarian in 1905, having been introduced to her by his son, Junius, a Princeton student. Soon trusted for her expertise (she was an expert in illuminated manuscripts) as well as her bargaining prowess with dealers, Greene would spend millions of dollars not only buying and selling rare manuscripts, books and art. She has been described as smart and outspoken as well as beautiful and sensual. While she enjoyed a Bohemian freedom, she also able to move with ease within elite society, known for her exotic looks and designer wardrobe. "Just because I am a librarian," Greene reportedly announced, "doesn't mean I have to dress like one."

Not only did her bearing, style, and seemingly unlimited means attract notice, but "her role at the Morgan Library placed her at the center of the art trade and her friendship was coveted by every dealer." The power that she wielded for many years was unmatched for 43 years. Her goal she told Morgan, who was willing to pay any price for important works, was to make his library "pre-eminent, especially for incunabula, manuscripts, bindings, and the classics."

J.P. Morgan left her $50,000 in his will, which at that time was a significant sum, reportedly $800,000 in modern money. Asked if she was Morgan's mistress, she is said to have replied, "We tried!" She never married, however, and her most lasting romantic relationship was with the art expert Bernard Berenson.

Greene retired in 1948 and died in New York City two years later.

[edit] References

  • Heidi Ardizzone, "An Illuminated Life: Belle da Costa Greene's Journey from Prejudice to Privilege" (W.W. Norton, 2007).
  • John Steele Gordon, "J. P. Morgan's Accomplice", American Heritage, September, 1999, p.22.
  • Jean Strouse, Morgan: American Financier (Random House, 1999).
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