Belgian regional elections, 1999

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On June 13, 1999, regional elections were held in Belgium, to choose representatives in the regional councils of Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and the German-speaking Community. The regional elections were held on the same day as the European elections and the Federal elections.


[edit] Results

[edit] Flanders

Party Votes Percentage of Votes Seats Percentage of seats
CVP 857732 22,09 28 23,73
VLD 855867 22,04 27 22.88
SP 582419 15,00 19 16,10
VB 603345 15,54 20 16,95
Agalev 451361 11,62 12 10,17
VU 359226 9,25 11 9,32
UF 36683 0,94 1 0,85

[edit] Wallonia

[edit] Brussels

[edit] See also

Belgian regional elections, 2004

Belgian regional elections Flag of Belgium
v  d  e
1995 | 1999 | 2004
Belgian municipal elections Flag of Belgium
1976 | 1982 | 1988 | 1994 | 2000 | 2006