Talk:Beijing Ancient Observatory

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from the Tycho Brahe page:

Tychos´s Legacy in china I think it could be fun to make a link to the wiki page about the ancient observatory in Beijing. When you see the picture presented on the page, it is a Tychonic equatorial armillary, arcording to "Needham and Wang 1959" it was erected by Ferdinand Verbies ca. 1674. The beijing observatory is older than Tychos Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, but it was rebuild in after 1669 by jesuit astronomers and chinese craftsmen as a virtual reproduction of Tychos observatories. In beijing you can actualy se most of tychos instruments mentioned in the book "Astronmiæ instauratæ mecanica". se link: Beijing_Ancient_Observatory--Thomaslundjohansen 08:53, 10 May 2006 (UTC)

-- 04:26, 28 February 2007 (UTC)