Being Tom Baldwin

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"Being Tom Baldwin"
Writer Shintaro Shimosawa
James Morris
Director Colin Bucksey
Season 3
Episode 03 (List of episodes)
Transmission date June 18, 2006
Preceded by "The New World"
Followed by "Gone"
IMDb profile

"Being Tom Baldwin" is an episode of the science fiction television series The 4400.


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Tom is accused of committing the murder of T.J. Kim, which he does not remember doing, while Shawn helps Isabelle through her growing pains.

[edit] Plot

A distressed Tom talks to Alana
A distressed Tom talks to Alana

Tom Baldwin visits the detention facility where T.J. Kim is being held while Diana visits Kevin Burkhoff bringing him food, they converse and Kevin reveals to Diana that he has upped his promicin injections by 50%, to six a day. At the detention facility Tom questions T.J. Kim regarding what she knows about the Nova group, she tells him that she has told them everything she knows, under the table that they are talking at Tom begins fidgeting with an object, when T.J. questions him as to what he is doing Tom pulls his hand out revealing a gun with a silencer and shoots T.J. in the head twice.

Shawn offers to teach Isabelle how to swim after she almost drowns her self attempting to teach her self; Isabelle goes to talk to her father, he tells her that he will be gone over night to put Lily to rest.

Tom is in his bathroom after having a shower when Diana walks into the room scaring him, with her gun held in her hand she tells Tom hat he shot TJ Kim that morning, Tom denies her accusation, Diana suggests perhaps he is blacking out, she tells him that everyone want to help him and that he should come in to NTAC, he goes to get dressed, Diana speaks to Tom while he is getting dressed but receives no reply, she realises he has escaped via a window.

At NTAC Tom rings Diana on his mobile phone, Tom tells her it will end with him proving he did not do it and asks for her help. Diana visits Marco to get help in proving Toms innocence, they go to a security desk to retrieve camera footage however they are told that Marco had just been there, a hour ago, Marco denies that he had collected anything.

Tom visits Alana’s art gallery, he tells her that he is in trouble and that he needs her to come with him, Alana’s phone rings and Tom is the caller, Tom tells him that the Tom in front of her is not him and provides proof to Alana, the fake Tom makes a run for it, the real Tom runs after the fake Tom after entering the gallery, but loses him. Tom and Alana converse with them realising the fake Tom must be a 4400, they arrange a password so Alana knows Tom is who he says he is.

At Kevin Burkhoff’s apartment Diana tells him she is ending their promicin experiment, he tells her to let him show her something, at his desk he stabs his hand with a scalpel, it bleeds for a short time, however his tissue begins healing him self – he has developed a 4400 ability.

After receiving a phone call from Tom explaining he knows who is impersonating him Diana heads to meet him, in arrival however two Dianas walk from separate directions, as they both get closer one of them draws her side arm and begins firing towards the direction of Tom and the other Diana, revealed to be the real Diana.

Tom and Diana visit Boyd Gelldar’s (the 4400 responsible for impersonating Tom) mother’s house and persuade her to set-up a meeting between the two. At Alana’s home Boyd, disguised as Tom breaks in after Alana refuses to let him in, he rings Tom and offers him a deal, “Your life or hers”.

Alana and Boyd talk, with her telling him that the Nova Group have sent him on a suicide mission, Boyd states he volunteered. Boyd explains for the past 50 years everything has been turning bad, one disaster after another and that they are going to show the world a new way, by force if they have to, they are interrupted by a noise, Alana smashes a vase over his head and runs toward the kitchen – reaching it the real Tom runs toward Boyd, they both fight until Alana picks up a gun and holds them both at gun point attempting to decide who the real Tom is, she deduces the real Tom when she realises that one of the Toms is bleeding, after having a vase smashed on his head.

Richard visits Shawn and thanks him for being a friend to Isabelle. Isabelle sneaks into Shawn’s apartment, the episode ends with them kissing

[edit] Significance

The episode shows the first non-4400, Kevin Burkhoff begin to develop 4400 like powers, specifically cellular regeneration.

[edit] Cast

Guest stars

[edit] Featured music

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:

The 4400
4400 Returnees NTAC Agents
Richard Tyler | Lily Tyler | Shawn Farrell | Jordan Collier
Alana Mareva | Maia Skouris | Tess Doerner
Tom Baldwin | Diana Skouris | Dennis Ryland
Nina Jarvis | Marco Pacella
Other Characters General
Kyle Baldwin | Kevin Burkhoff | Isabelle Tyler
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Haspel Corp | 4400 Center | Highland Beach