Beginner's luck

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When someone with limited experience achieves better than expected results it is referred to as beginner's luck. The term is most often used in reference to a first attempt in sport or gambling. For example, if Mike beats veteran golf player Joe in his first game, Joe might attribute this to beginner's luck. Beginner's luck is also be applicable to non-sporting activities. For example, if Susan takes first prize in her first ever baking contest, she might have had beginner's luck. The term is also used when no skill whatsoever is involved such as a first-time slot machine player winning the jackpot.

One would expect experienced players to outperform novices - when the opposite happens it is counter-intuitive hence the need for a term to describe this phenomenon.

The causes for beginner's luck are unknown. It is speculated, however, that beginner's luck arises from a disconnect between the player and the pressure of the game. A novice player is inexperienced and consequently is not expected to do well. This means that there is no pressure on the player to excel; this lack of pressure allows the player to concentrate more than a pressured veteran player. This goes against the Rosenthal effect which states that students who are expected to perform better usually perform better.

Beginner's luck is thought to end once a player gets involved with a game. Once the "innocent" psychological mindset is replaced by one that is concerned with the naunces of the game, concentration goes out the window and skill level decreases.

[edit] See also