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Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a retired "Regierungsoberamtsrat" in Saxony-Anhalt/Germany. My academic degree as "Diplom-Verwaltungswirt" (diploma in public administration) is comparable with a BA hon.
I came from the western part of the city and federal state of Berlin at first 1991 to the eastern part of Berlin (Prenzlauer Berg) and then, since 1994, at second to help in the middle of the new federal state Saxony-Anhalt innovating the "Beamtenschaft" (officialdom) here and was civil servant near 40 years.
My positions during my active period of service:
- Leading cicil servant in school supervising authorities (staff department, personnel department, at last: legal adviser with authority to issue directives regarding teachers and school principals, head teachers, headmasters, vice principals etc. pp.)
- Legal scientific lecturer and contract teacher in "civil service law" (Beamtenrecht) since 1986 in the federals states Lower Saxony, Berlin and at last Saxony-Anhalt (Lower Saxony University of Applianced Studies in Public Administration; Academy of Public Administration in Berlin; Institutes for admin. studies in Magdeburg and Blankenburg; Legal scientific consultant in "Beamtenrecht" (civil service law) by order of the Department/Ministry of Domestic Affairs/Sax-Anh.)
- Extraofficial labor judge.
By the way I grew up in (western) Berlin in the Amercican protected sector of Berlin. I have life out thru the help of the american leaded Airbridge 1948/49, when I was a five years old boy. Tis operation was really GREAT - only after three years after the WWII.
Insofar: Thank you America and may God bless the United States and their citizen!
... and please excuse my bad English. During my long work in the public administration I need no English and you all know the german language is a difficult language and in law more difficile.
--beartd 11:35, 26 March 2007 (UTC)