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Beavis is a character on the MTV series Beavis and Butt-Head. He was voiced by the show's creator, Mike Judge.

During the series, his name was mispronounced by adults as, among other things, Beaver, Beatrice, Stephen, Brevis, Joe, Paul Lenig and Travis. His date of birth is believed to be October 15, 1979.


[edit] Characteristics

Beavis is the dumber of the two title characters, oblivious to the obvious, and thus is usually submissive to Butt-Head. He tolerates a large amount of abuse from him, both physical and verbal, but has limits of tolerance. For instance, in "Murder Site", Beavis was driven to attacking and nearly killing Butt-Head because Butt-Head would not cease calling Beavis a "butt-knocker"; Beavis holds an unusual resentment towards the moniker, considering his tolerance of much of the other verbal abuse he suffers.

Despite this, Beavis holds a number of hidden strengths. He has a tendency to be witty and, when discussing various subjects that neither he nor Butt-Head understand, Beavis is the more likely to guess the true mechanisms at work[citation needed]—though his actions usually end in disaster, from getting in trouble with the law to severely injuring himself (cutting off the tip of his finger in "Wood Shop"). On the rare occasion a female has interest in one of the duo, it is usually Beavis ("Vidiots", "Another Friday Night", "Teen Talk", "Letters to Santa Butt-head" in Christmas Special). This could be because of Beavis' somewhat childlike nature which women find non-offensive when compared to Butt-Head's more obvious and blatantly sexual approaches. For example, Butt-Head will approach with a "Hey baby" opening line, whereas Beavis will usually approach them with a less obvious "Hi!" or "Hey how's it going?". However, Beavis has also been known to use the "hey baby" line when being influenced by Butt-Head ("Womyn").

Beavis also holds a more dangerous and unpredictable nature than Butt-Head. In early episodes he was a demonstrated pyromaniac ("Home Improvement," "Comedians," "Stewart's House"), a trait that was later dropped (at least in most television broadcasts) to avoid controversy. He also has shown a tendency to become quite excitable ("Bad Dog") and on occasion hyperactive ("Radio Sweethearts", Beavis and Butt-Head Do America). These character traits are epitomized in Beavis's alter-ego, The Great Cornholio. This alternate persona is awakened when Beavis consumes a sufficiently large quantity of sugar and caffeine, leading to him pulling his shirt over his head, and wandering randomly, ostensibly on a hunt for "TP for my bunghole" ("The Great Cornholio" et al). At times the two personalities appear to blend, as in Cornholio mode Beavis will occasionally speak in his normal voice ("The Great Cornholio") and as Beavis he sometimes speaks in his Cornholio Spanish accent ("It's a Miserable Life").

Beavis has an underbite and a fixated stare on his face which almost never looks straight but to the side. He is usually seen wearing a Metallica T-shirt, though in merchandising appearances, his shirt displays the slogan "Death Rock", to avoid licensing issues (he also wears a Slayer shirt rather than his normal Metallica one in the episode "Blood Drive"). He is actually slightly shorter than Butt-Head although he appears to be the same height when viewed at a distance due to his oversized pompadour-like hairstyle. Beavis grunts when he laughs and his voice is reminiscent of horror film characters played by actor Peter Lorre.

Beavis usually makes sound effects to suit the occasion. Whenever he is aroused, he imitates a spring ("Boi-oi-oi-oi-oiiing!!!"). He sometimes blows a raspberry by puckering his lips. He tends to occasionally do impersonations of, among others, Principal McVicker in "Speech Therapy", and Woody Woodpecker in "Top O' the Mountain".

[edit] Relationship with Butt-Head

As previously stated, Beavis's relationship with Butt-Head, although close, is extremely abusive. Butt-Head often physically abuses Beavis, through slapping (numerous music videos, "Nose Bleed") as well as other means ("No Service"), though Beavis does stand up for himself on occasion ("Madame Blavatsky", "They're Coming to Take me Away, Huh Huh"). Beavis is usually depicted as being a devoted follower of Butt-Head, following most of his instructions and cooperating in almost all of his endeavors. This subservience, however, appears to be simply a product of his personality rather than Butt-Head's abuse, as demonstrated in the alternate future of "It's a Miserable Life" in which Butt-Head had never been born and Beavis was instead the friend of Stewart Stevenson.

Beavis's mother is often said to be a slut. While he is conscious of this, it doesn't seem to bother him much as he often laughs along in agreement whenever Butt-head brings it up. Beavis' mom is an unseen character, although according to some music video segments, it is said that she does share Beavis' peculiar hairstyle and that she is somewhat overweight. Ironically, Butt-Head's mother is also a slut as implied in Beavis and Butt-Head Do America and in some music-video segments, although unlike Beavis, this does bother him. The film also points out the possibility that he and Butt-Head are half brothers, as the apparent father of Butt-Head attempts to refute Beavis' apparent father's claims of "scoring" in imitation of Beavis and Butt-Head's own banter.

[edit] Memorable Quotes

  • "Heh heh heh heh"
  • "Hey, how's it goin'?"
  • "Fire! Fire! Fire!"
  • "No way! That sucks!"
  • "Check out my butt!"
  • Spanish Teacher: "Senor Beavis, Como es Juan?" Beavis: "Eh, Spaghetti.", teacher: "No, no, no! Como es Juan, como es Juan?, Beavis: Ehh..Taco Supreme?
  • "Trick or treat, son of a bitch"
  • "Hey Loder, how's it goin'...mhe mhe hehehe...LOAD!"
  • "Well, I'll be damned"
  • "Yeah, really" (Often said in response to a statement made by Butt-Head)
  • "Heh heh um huh?....oh yeah"
  • "Bo-oi-oi-oi-oing!"
  • "No way!"
  • "Thank you, drive through"
  • "AAAHHH! Don't touch me, asswipe!"
  • "Shut up, Butt-Head!"
  • "Stop calling me fartknocker, fartknocker!
  • "Yeah, yeah they should give 'em the taser, the taser, the chair, THE CHAIR!"
  • "Zap 'em. Zap 'em in the butt"
  • "Oh yeah, Butt-Head's choking...on chicken"
  • "Yeah yeah yeah right - I'm going to cave your 'nads in."
  • "Peek-a-boo" (often said while mooning somebody)
  • "Are you threatening me?" (usually said as Cornholio)
  • "Poop!"
  • "I am the great Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole" (said in Spanish dialect)
  • "Ohhh, yeah!"
  • "Rock, ROCK!!" (usually when watching a music video with heavy guitar riffs)
  • "Bunghole"
  • "I'm a straight G from Compton, I used to kick it on the street with Dre, Snoop and I used to go to the Compton swap meet togehter...hard times"
  • "If you don't shut up I'm 'na put the smack down on your ass, biotch."
  • "Droppin' plates on your ass, biotch!"
  • (Humping the couch) "Ratatatat dat'ass!"
  • "I like to make love to all the wonderful women in the world"
  • "I sure would like to do Madonna"
  • " [Raises Hand] Yeah um is this a god damn?" Said in Beavis And Butthead Do America.
  • " Yeah! Heh heh it's like the poop is coming out of the Ass of The Ass!" Said in Beavis and Butthead Do America.

[edit] External links

German Fan Page:

Beavis and Butt-head
Characters: Beavis | Butt-Head | Mr. Anderson | David Van Driessen | Coach Buzzcut | Principal McVicker | Daria | Todd | Stewart | Cornholio | Minor Characters | Featured musicians
Media: List of episodes | Beavis and Butt-head (video game) | The Mike Judge Collection | Beavis and Butt-head Do America | The Beavis and Butt-Head Experience
Other: Burger World | Frog Baseball | Daria | Mike Judge | Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation