Beatty sequence

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Suppose r and s are positive irrational numbers satisfying

\frac1r + \frac1s = 1.

Then the sequences ( \lfloor nr \rfloor) and ( \lfloor ns \rfloor) are a pair of complementary Beatty sequences, and each is a Beatty sequence.


[edit] Beatty's Theorem

A pair of complementary Beatty sequences partition the set of positive integers.

Proof: We must show that every positive integer lies in one and only one of the two sequences and shall do so by considering the positions occupied by all the fractions j / r and r / s when they are jointly listed in nondecreasing order.

To see that no two of the numbers can occupy the same position (as a single number), suppose to the contrary that j / r = k / s for some j and k. Then r / s = j / k, a rational number, but also, r / s = r(1 − 1 / r) = r − 1, not a rational number. Therefore no two of the numbers occupy the same position.

For any j / r, there are j numbers i/r  \le j/r and \lfloor js/r \rfloor numbers k/s \le j/r, so that the position of j / r in the list is j + \lfloor js/r \rfloor. The equation 1 / r + 1 / s = 1 implies

j + \lfloor js/r \rfloor = j + \lfloor j(s - 1) \rfloor = \lfloor js \rfloor.

Likewise, the position of k / s in the list is \lfloor kr \rfloor.

Conclusion: every positive integer (that is, every position in the list) is of the form \lfloor nr \rfloor or of the form \lfloor ns \rfloor, but not both.

[edit] Example

For r = the golden mean, we have s = r + 1. In this case, the sequence ( \lfloor nr \rfloor), known as the lower Wythoff sequence, is

and the sequence ( \lfloor ns \rfloor), the upper Wythoff sequence, is

[edit] Relation with Sturmian sequences

The first difference

\lfloor (n+1)r\rfloor-\lfloor nr\rfloor

of the Beatty sequence associated to the irrational number r is a characteristic Sturmian word over the alphabet \{\lfloor r\rfloor,\lfloor r\rfloor+1\}.

[edit] History

Beatty sequences solve a problem posed in the American Mathematical Monthly by Samuel Beatty in 1926. It is probably one of the most often cited problems ever posed in the Monthly.

[edit] References

  • Stolarsky, Kenneth (1976). "Beatty sequences, continued fractions, and certain shift operators". Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 19 (4): 473–482. MR0444558.  Includes many references.

[edit] External links