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BEACOPP is a chemotherapy regimen for treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma in Stages > II. Patients typically receive treatment in cycles of 21 days with no drugs given on days 16-21. There also exists a more intensive regimen with cycles of 14 days. Usually a therapy consists of eight, sometimes six cycles. In some countries BEACOPP still is experimental, in others (eg. Germany and Austria) it is a standard therapy.

m² = body surface


BEACOPP basic:

(C)yclophosphamide 650 mg/m² (i.v.) day 1
(A)driamycin 25 mg/m² i.v. day 1
(E)toposide 100 mg/m² i.v. day 1-3
Vincristin(=(O)ncovin) 1,4 mg/m² (max 2 mg) i.v. day 8
(B)leomycin 10 mg/m² i.v. day 8
(P)rocarbazine 100 mg/m² orally day 1-7
(P)rednisone 40 mg/m² orally day 1-14

BEACOPP escalated:

Cyclophosphamide 1250 mg/m² KO/day i.v. day 1
Adriamycin 35 mg/m² i.v. day 1
Etoposide 200 mg/m² i.v. day 1-3
Vincristine 1,4 mg/m² (max 2 mg) i.v. day 8
Bleomycin 10 mg/m² i.v. day 8
Procarbazine 100 mg/m² orally day 1-7
Prednisone 40 mg/m² orally day 1-14

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