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Bob Czechowicz was born in 1977 to 2 very loving (and very Polish) parents named Gregory Czechowicz and Lillian Czechowicz. It was evident from early childhood that he was destined for greatness, based on the fact that he was changing his own diapers at 3 months, and finished his first screenplay by age 2. Please disregard the fact that the majority of the screenplay had to do with him changing his own diapers.

Fast forward to present time and here we are today. Bob is happily married to a beautiful woman named Anna Czechowicz (her name wasn’t Czechowicz before they got married, silly). Bob has a crazy dog named Cookie Czechowicz who poops and pees all over his carpets. In his free time he writes bad and unfunny biographies about himself.

Below is a list of Bob's likes and dislikes, in random order.

Likes: His wife, proper grammar, Pearl Jam, Disco Fries, Apple (computers and fruit), Cottonelle toilet paper, sporks, digicams, flip flops, short sleeved plaid button down shirts, Snapple Iced Tea, travel, Simpsons, Family Guy, Law and Order.

Dislikes: Pickles, improper grammar, mainstream music, poop and pee on his carpet, people who drive slow in the fast lane, Windows, root beer, battery acid, very cold days, very hot days, the way that every rapper or athlete that appears on “Cribs” always says “You aint a playa, if you don’t got Scarface”.