Bay of Eldamar

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In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, the Bay of Eldamar is the greatest bay in Aman. Eldamar means Elvenhome in Quenya. When the Noldor and Vanyar came to Aman this is where they landed. Later when the Teleri came, Ossë begged Ulmo to set Tol Eressëa in the Bay of Eldamar and Ulmo did this. But when the Noldor longed to see their kin again, Manwë commanded Ossë to teach the Teleri the art of ship-making, and grudgingly he did so. Then the Teleri built the ships and with the help of the swans, they came to Aman. And there on the bay of Eldamar they built their new home Alqualondë, the port of swans.

An age before, the Noldor and the Vanyar made there home in Eldamar. The Valar brought down a small section of the Pelóri and raised the hill of Túna, on that hill the Noldor, with the aid of Aulë, built the city of Tirion the Fair. And through this opening in the mountains the light of Calacirya spread out and filled the Bay of Eldamar. When the Noldor wrought gems they also spread them throughout the great land.