Bay d'Espoir

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Bay d'Espoir is the inner reaches of a large fjord on the South Coast of Newfoundland.

It appears in printed form with many different spellings, some of which are: Bay D' Espoir/e, Bay Despair, Bay Despoir/e, Baie D' Espoir/e, Baie Despair and Baie Despoir/e.

Communities in Bay d'Espoir are: Conne River/Miawpukek, Head of Bay d'Espoir, Milltown, Morrisville, St. Alban's (formerly Ship Cove), St. Joseph's Cove and St. Veronica's.

Charles A. Martijn writes: "It is sometimes claimed that the name Bay Despair represents an English corruption of the French name Baie d'Espoir. However, the inverse may be true. The French cartographer Bellin, on his 1743 map "Carte de l'Isle de Terre-Neuve" has "Baye du Desespoir" (sic). It would appear therefore that the actual sequence may have been from "Baie du Désespoir" to the English literal translation "Bay Despair", which appears as early as 1733 on a Henry Popple map, and then to a French corruption of this, namely "Baie d'Espoir"! I am obliged to Fred Powell for bringing this to my attention.

Bay d'Espoir is often translated locally either as Bay of Hope or Bay of Despair.

[edit] See also