Bavarian porn
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Bavarian porn is a campy subgenre of softcore porn comedy. The apogee of the genre was the late 1960s and early 1970s, corresponding roughly to the chancellorship of Willy Brandt, but these films continued to be produced up to about 1980. Today they live on as staples of late night European cable and satellite channels. The most famous Bavarian porn actor is Peter Steiner, while the most famous director is Franz Marischka.
Bavarian porn films were set in Bavaria (Bayern), because at that time most German film studios were located in Munich. This is somewhat ironic, considering the fact that Bavaria is the most culturally and socially conservative area of Germany. The films cheerfully blended comic and erotic elements. They featured voluptuous young teases and seductresses, ogled by dirty, old men, rockers and Gastarbeiter (Guest-workers who are usually from Turkey). There were plain librarians and teachers, who, upon downing a few shots of schnapps, would remove their cat's eyes glasses, let their hair down and transform into beautiful, insatiable nymphomaniacs. There were slutty teen-age girls knowingly teasing and making their middle-aged male teachers drool. There were even alien women from "Planet Sechs" (meaning "Planet Six," which in German sounds almost like "Planet Sex"), where as luck would have it, all the men had died from a mysterious disease, forcing the inhabitants of Planet Sechs, who for some reason all looked like Teutonic goddesses, to visit rural Bavaria to harvest sperm from Earth men.
At the time, Bavarian porn seemed outrageous and shocking to the older generation, who had been indoctrinated by the "family values" of the repressive National Socialist regime, not to mention traditional German sexual morality. To the baby-boomers who came of age after World War II, the films embodied the freedom and liberation brought about through the Sexual Revolution. With the defeat of National Socialism and the booming economy, West Germany saw a return of Weimar era decadence, only on a larger and more culturally mainstream scale.
Today, these films are revered more for their camp value than any ability to cause sexual arousal. Their legacy is most evident in the poppy acid-jazz soundtracks used in these films, which became popular among hipsters during the late 1990s, along with the resurgence of Space Age Pop. Gert Wilden composed and performed many Bavarian porn soundtracks with his orchestra.
Some Bavarian porn films were dubbed into English by German actors and actresses speaking English. The poor translations, Godzilla-style dub quality and German accents elevate the camp factor of these films to a level beyond that of the German originals. Bavarian porn was released in the United States under titles such as Naughty Co-Eds, 2069: A Sex Odyssey and The Sinful Bed.
[edit] Examples of Bavarian porn movies
- Schulmädchen-Report (Schoolgirl-Report) Titles 1-13 (one of the most famous series)
- Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose
- Zum Gasthof der spritzigen Mädchen
- Der Kurpfuscher und seine fixen Töchter
- Jodeln is ka Sünd
- Auf der Alm, da gibt's koa Sünd
- Pudelnackt in Oberbayern (Bare-naked in Upper Bavaria)
- Was Männer nicht für möglich halten (What Men Don't Believe is Possible)
- Die dressierte Frau (The Disciplined Woman)
- Madame und ihre Nichte (Madame and Her Niece)
- Die jungen Ausreisserinnen (The Young Girls Travelling on Holiday)
- Mädchen die nach München kommen (Girls Who Come To Munich)