Baudoin de Trevalion

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In Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy series, Prince Baudoin de Trevalion is a member of the royal family, the son of Lyonette de Trevalion, sister to King Ganelon and Marc de Trevalion, the reigning Duc of Azzalle. He is a slender, fair-skinned man with raven hair and sea-grey eyes. Baudoin has a raucous reputation, noted for causing trouble at the University of Tiberium.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

At the age of 19, Baudoin attends the Midwinter Masque the year Phèdre nó Delaunay serves there; early in the festivities, he accepts joie from her, kisses her for luck, and names her joybearer. Later, he appears as the Sun Prince in the ceremonial masque, an act viewed by many as symbolically indicating his belief that he should marry Dauphine Ysandre de la Courcel and become King of Terre d'Ange.

Baudoin takes Melisande Shahrizai as a lover, despite the objections of both his parents. Their affair is passionate and conspicuous, but she eventually betrays him and his family, exposing their treasonous plots. Before doing so, she contracts for him a night with Phèdre, an unwitting farewell gift.

At his trial, Baudoin pleads innocent of the treason charges, but is betrayed by both Melisande and his erstwhile friend Isidore d'Aiglemort, both of whom testify against him. He is ultimately doomed by Ysandre, who asks him if he would have married her off to a foreign potentate or killed her outright; when he has no answer ready, she considers that answer enough, and votes for his death. Like his mother, Baudoin is given three days to name the manner of his choosing. A brave man and a soldier to the end, Baudoin falls on his sword, letting it pierce straight through the heart.

Baudoin's legacy lives on in his faithful Glory-Seekers, who choose loyalty to the Crown during the Skaldic invasion, and double-cross the Duc d'Aiglemort.