Batu (city)

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Batu is a city located in East Java, Indonesia. Formerly, It was a part of Malang regency; but in 2001, Batu became an independent city legalized by Act of 11, 2001, when it became a municipal town with its own city mayor and council. [1]

A population of 170,000 people, it mostly consists of Javanese and Madurese ethnics. The town used to be a recreation place for the Dutch colonial officers in the Dutch colonial area (before 1945).

[edit] Administration

The city is divided into 3 subdistricts (kecamatan): Batu, Bumiaji, and Junrejo. The subdistricts are further divided into 23 villages (kelurahan).

[edit] References

  1. ^ Indonesia Humanity Foundation, Batu, Indonesia

[edit] External links

Subdistricts of Batu
Batu | Bumiaji | Junrejo

Regencies and cities of East Java Coat of arms of East Java
Regencies: Banyuwangi | Bangkalan | Blitar | Bojonegoro | Bondowoso | Gresik | Jember | Jombang | Kediri | Lamongan | Lumajang | Madiun | Magetan | Malang | Mojokerto | Nganjuk | Ngawi | Pacitan | Pamekasan | Pasuruan | Ponorogo | Probolinggo | Sampang | Sidoarjo | Situbondo | Sumenep | Trenggalek | Tuban | Tulungagung
Cities: Batu | Blitar | Kediri | Madiun | Malang | Mojokerto | Probolinggo | Pasuruan | Surabaya