Battle of the Utus

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Battle of the Utus
Date 447
Location near Vit river, Bulgaria
Result Hun Victory
Eastern Roman Empire Huns
Attila the Hun

[edit] The Battle

The Battle of the Utus was fought in 441 between the Eastern Roman Empire, and the Huns led by Attila in what is today Bulgaria. It was one of three disastrous battles for the Eastern Roman Empire as it attempted to stave off the Hunnic invasion. In the following years the Huns would ravage the Balkans, destroying many cities.

[edit] Aftermath

The Eastern Emperor Theodosius paid Atilla a huge tribute to keep the Huns from beseiging Constantinople. Later, after the Emperor Marcian stopped paying this tribute, Attila decided to turn his attentions to the Western Empire, where he was defeated at the Battle of Chalons.

[edit] References

Gibbon, Edward. 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'. Everyman's Library Alfred M. Knopf, New York. 1993 (6th Printing)

Cameron, Averil. 'The Later Roman Empire'. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1993

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