Battle of the Sound

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Battle of the Sound 1658
Battle of the Sound 1658

The naval Battle of The Sound took place on 8 November 1658 (29 October OS) during the Dutch-Swedish War, near the Sound or Oresund, just south of the Danish capitol, Copenhagen. Sweden had defeated Denmark and an army under Charles X of Sweden had Copenhagen itself under siege. The Dutch fleet was sent to prevent Sweden from gaining control of both sides of the Sound and controlling Baltic trade.

The Dutch, under the command of Lieutenant-Admiral Jacob van Wassenaer Obdam with Egbert Bartholomeusz Kortenaer as his flag captain, who had sailed to the Baltic in support of Denmark, had 41 ships with 1413 guns while the Swedes had 45 ships with 1838 guns, arranged in groups of 3 within each Division. The seven Danish ships with about 280 guns were unable to assist their Dutch allies because of adverse northern winds and could only watch. Obdam, who first received very complicated written instructions from Johan de Witt and asked his boss to explain them again "in three words", summed up his mission in a single sentence: "Save Copenhagen and punch anyone in the face who tries to prevent it". That "anyone" was the English fleet; the British didn't intervene however. The Swedes aggressively attacked, but failed as the approaching Dutch had the weather gage. The Dutch forced the Swedish fleet to end the blockade of the Danish capital, which again forced Charles to abandon the siege entirely.

[edit] Ship lists

United Provinces

This page contains slightly different details for the Dutch ships

Ship name Guns Notes
Van (Vice Admiral Witte de With)
Brederode (de With) 59 Ran aground, captured by Wismar and sank; de With killed
Landman 40
Zeeridder 22
Princesse Louise 32
Cogge 40
Windhont 23
Prins Willem 28
Wapen van Medemblick 36
Groningen 36
Center (Lt. Admiral Jacob van Wassenaer Obdam)
Eendracht (Obdam) 72
Rotterdam 52
Zon 40
Wapen van Rotterdam 40
Wapen van Dordrecht 40
Halve Maen 40
Duyvenvoorde 40
Stavoren 40
Deutecom 24
Waegh 40
Gouden Leeuw 38
Hoorn 28
Princes Albertina 36
Rear (Vice Admiral Pieter Floriszoon)
Jozua (Floriszoon) 50 Pieter Floriszoon killed
Breda 28 Captured but abandoned and recaptured
Jupiter 32
Alkmaar 36
Westfriesland 28
Wapen van Holland 38
Eendracht 38
Caleb 40
Jonge Prins 30
Wapen van Monnickendam 26
Judith 24
Vergulden Haen 16
Liefde 24
Medea 24
Perel 23
Fruytboom 23

Ship name Guns Notes
Danish Squadron (Bjelke)
Trefoldighed (Bjelke) 66
Tre Løver 60
Norske Løve 48
Hannibal 44
Graa Ulv 36
Johannes 20
Hojenhald 8

Ship name Guns Notes
1st squadron (Sjoheljm)
Cesar (Sjoheljm) 54
Amarant 46
Apollo 46
Wismar 44
Vestervik 40
Fides 36
Hjort 36
Sodermanland 38
Svan 38
Östergötland 36
Halfmane 28
2nd squadron (K. G. Wrangel and Strussflycht)
Victoria (Wrangel) 74
Måne 46
Merkurius 46
Mars 44
Svard 44
Pelican 40 Captured by Wapen van Rotterdam
Örn 38
Samson 32
Morgonstjerna (merchantman) 48 Captured by Eendracht
Goteborgsfalk (merchantman) 24
Krona 68
3rd squadron (Bjelkenstjerna)
Drake (Bjelkenstjerna) 66
Carolus 54
Falk 40
Nordstjerna 40
Delmenhorst 36 Captured by Hollandia and Wapen van Medenblik
Leopard 36 Damaged by Brederode; burnt after action
Rafael 36
Samson 36
Jagare 26
Konung David (merchantman) 42
St Johannes (merchantman) 36
Kalmarkastell (merchantman) 32
4th squadron (G. Wrangel)
Hercules (G. Wrangel) 58
Maria 46
Småland 46
Svenska Lejon 40
Svan 36
Fenix 30
Fortuna 30
Salvator 30
Hök 28
Rose (merchantman) 40 Captured by Landman
Ångermanland (merchantman) 20

[edit] References

  • Naval Wars in the Baltic 1522-1850 (1910) - R. C. Anderson

[edit] External links