Battle of the Gabbard

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The Battle of the Gabbard, 12 June 1653 by Heerman Witmont, shows the Dutch flagship Brederode, right, in action with the English ship Resolution, the temporary name during the Commonwealth of HMS Prince Royal
The Battle of the Gabbard, 12 June 1653 by Heerman Witmont, shows the Dutch flagship Brederode, right, in action with the English ship Resolution, the temporary name during the Commonwealth of HMS Prince Royal

The naval Battle of the Gabbard, also known as the Battle of Gabbard Bank, the Battle of the North Foreland or the Battle of Nieuport took place on 1213 June 1653 New Style during the First Anglo-Dutch War near the Gabbard shoal off the coast of Suffolk, England between fleets of the Commonwealth of England and the United Provinces. In Dutch the battle is known as the Zeeslag bij Nieuwpoort.

The English fleet had 100 ships commanded by Generals at Sea George Monck and Richard Deane and Admirals John Lawson and William Penn. The Dutch had 98 ships under Lieutenant-Admiral Maarten Tromp and Vice-admiral Witte de With, divided in five squadrons. On 12 June 1653 the Dutch attacked but were beaten back because the English employed line-of-battle tactics, making the Dutch pay a high price for attempting to board. The Dutch fleet, consisting of lighter ships, was severely damaged and lost two ships.

On 13 June the English were joined by Admiral Robert Blake, but Tromp decided to try again a direct attack though his ships were practically out of ammo. A sudden lull however made his ships sitting ducks for the superior English guns. The Dutch were routed, the English chasing them until well in the evening, capturing many Dutch ships. The battle ended with the Dutch losing in total seventeen ships, of which six were sunk and eleven captured. The English lost no ships, but Deane was killed. Tactically this was the worst defeat in Dutch naval history with the exception of the Battle of Lowestoft; strategically the defeat threatened to be disastrous.

The victory meant that the English control over the English Channel, regained by the Battle of Portland in March after it had been lost in the Battle of Dungeness, was now extended to the North Sea.

After the battle the English imposed a blockade on the Dutch coast, capturing many merchant ships and crippling the Dutch economy . The fleets met again on 8 August 1653 at the Battle of Scheveningen.

Ships involved:

[edit] England

Red Squadron
Providence 33
Adventure 40
Tiger 40
Phoenix 34
Guinea 34
Pelican 40
Advice 42
Diamond 42
Sapphire 38
Laurel 48
Bear 46
Sussex 46
Marmaduke 42
Violet 40

White Squadron
Expedition 32
Assurance 36
Portsmouth 38
Centurion 42
Assistance 40
Foresight 42
Ruby 42

Blue Squadron
Nonsuch 40
Dragon 38
President 40
Amity 36
Convertine 44
Kentish 50
Welcome 40

[edit] Netherlands

98 ships - 11 captured

[edit] See also

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