Battle of Sector 001

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Battle of Sector 001
Part of the Borg Invasion
The fleet in battle.
Date Stardate 50893.5
Location Earth, Sector 001
Result Federation victory
Borg Collective United Federation of Planets
Borg Queen Vice Admiral Hayes, succeeded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard
1 cube ship At least 24 Starfleet starships
1 cube ship Unknown, including Hayes' flagship (Hayes survives)

In the Star Trek fictional universe, the Battle of Sector 001 is the United Federation of Planets's second major battle against the Borg Collective. It occurs in the film Star Trek: First Contact.


[edit] Lead-up and engagement

Circa stardate 50893.5 in 2373, long-range scans from space station Deep Space 5 detected a solitary Borg cube heading toward Earth. A fleet of Starfleet ships under the command of Admiral Hayes assembles in the Typhon Sector to intercept the intruder. The Borg rout the fleet, and Starfleet makes another stand near Earth in Sector 001. (Although not part of Sector 001, the engagement in the Typhon Sector is generally considered to be part of the overall battle. Star Trek canon is unclear as to whether fighting continued all the way from the Typhon Sector to Sector 001 or Starfleet completely disengaged and regrouped near Earth.)

Captain Jean-Luc Picard learns upon the USS Enterprise's arrival in Sector 001 that Hayes' ship has been destroyed (although Hayes is alive) and takes command of the fleet. Picard directs the Starfleet defenders to concentrate their fire on a seemingly non-vital part of the Borg vessel; the ships' coordinated attack destroys the cube, although at least one Steamrunner class starship is caught in the blast and destroyed.

As the cube explodes, the Borg launch a sphere that travels in time to 2063 in an attempt to stop first contact between Earth and Vulcan.

[edit] Participating starships

[edit] Identified ships

These ships are identifiable through visible hull markings or audible communications chatter.

Name Registry Class
USS Appalachia NCC-52136 Steamrunner class
USS Bozeman NCC-1941 Soyuz class
USS Budapest NCC-64923 Norway class
USS Defiant NX-74205 Defiant class
USS Endeavour NCC-71805 Nebula class
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E  Sovereign class
USS Lexington NCC-61832 Nebula class
USS Madison Unknown Unknown
USS Thunderchild NCC-63549 Akira class
USS Yeager NCC-61947 Saber class
USS Excalibur NCC-26517 Ambassador class

[edit] Unidentified ships

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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