Battle of Misiche

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Battle of Msiche
Part of the Roman-Persian Wars
Date 244
Location Misiche, present day Anbar (Iraq)
Result Sassanid victory
Sassanid Persians Roman Empire
Shapur I Gordian III
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Roman-Persian Wars
CarrhaeResaenaMisicheBarbalissosEdessaSingaraAmidaCtesiphonSamarraIberian WarLazic WarSolachon - IssusNineveh

The Battle of Misiche was fought between the Sassanid Persians and the Romans. The initial war began when the Roman Emperor Gordian III invaded Persia (Iran) in 243. His troops advanced as far as Misiche, just north of Ctesiphon, the Sassanid Capital. The Romans were defeated and it is unknown whether Gordian died during battle or was assassinated later by his own officers.

Gordian's successor, Philip the Arab was proclaimed emperor of Rome and made peace with Shapur, agreeing to pay a large ransom.

[edit] Sources

  • Kaveh Farroukh, Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 224-642